Four Years Later

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Ari POV:
It's been 4 years since I moved to LA and started college, let me catch you up on how life has been for the cluz gang and the Dolan twins.
Mika just graduated high school with a 4.2 GPA and is going to start attending Harvard university in a few months. It's crazy looking back and seeing how far she's come. She's been in the limelight since we started cluz when she was 11. She started dating her girlfriend Emily about a year ago and they have been very happy. We don't see each other that much but we do make time to call each other a lot.
Mark graduated high school 2 years ago and started attending Oregon state university. He and his girlfriend broke up during their junior year and he started dating his current girlfriend Maria in his freshman year of college. We talk sometimes but he is very busy with college which sometimes causes us to go days at a time without calling or texting.
Isa just graduated with her biology degree from UCLA, and is currently engaged to her long time girlfriend Sabrina. We still talk everyday and she often comes over to visit me, while I do the same.
Ethan has been doing great. He and Kristina got married about a year and a half ago. It was a beautiful ceremony. Ethan is still my brother and Kristina is like a sister to me, we all get together quite often to hang out and spend time with each other.
Me and Grayson are going 5 years strong and couldn't be happier. While we aren't engaged or married yet we still love each other with everything we have. I just graduated from UCI with my business degree and am looking forward. Wakeheart has grown and now has a bunch of new products which E and G are very proud of.
These 4 years seemed to pass by so quickly, and I honestly can't wait to see where life goes from here.

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