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Grayson's p.o.v.:
I cannot sit still. I'm finishing packing my luggage and hanging out with Ethan because for only the second time in our lives we'll be apart for a week. I'm surprising Ari tomorrow and Im so excited. I finally get to kiss her and hold her. I meant what I said as soon as I see her I'm not leaving her for the whole day.
I finish my suitcase and put it by the front door. "E" I yell out.
"Yea Gray" Ethan yells back.
"I'm about to leave"
"I'm coming " he says entering the room. "I'm gonna miss you bro"
"I'm gonna miss you too. This is gonna be a great and weird week"
"I get that man you finally gonna see your girl but we haven't really been apart that much"
"Yea" I say looking at the time. "Time to go surprise my girl. Love you E. I'll call you when I get there"
"Okay see you. Love you too bro"
I quickly grab my stuff and head to my baby blue Porsche. I put my bag in the back and get in, starting the car.

7 hours later

I finally get to Ari's house. I told her mom I would come here first to introduce myself and then I would go pick  Ari up. She told Ari that she would be getting picked up because they had a bunch of errands and it would be easier so that she wouldn't walk home.
I approach the front door and rub my hands together nervously. I look at the door for another minute before working up enough courage to knock. The door opens to reveal a women. "Hello, you must be Grayson right?" she says.
"Yea that's me. I'm Grayson Dolan, Arianna's boyfriend. Man that feels good to say" I reply smiling.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Camilla, Arianna's mom" she says smiling back at me. "I've heard so much about you finally nice to put a face to the name. Come on in"
"You have a lovely home" I say walking in.
"Thank you. So why don't you put your stuff in Arianna's room and then you can head to pick her up"
"Okay. Thank you again for letting me stay here"
"No problem" she says and with that I walk away to where she told me Ari's room is and I put my stuff down. I check the time and see I still have about 30 minutes. I call Ethan and we talk for a while before I walk down the stairs and tell Camilla that I'm going to pick up Ari. It's not a long way to the school and before I know it i'm there. I see her walk out and notice she's with a friend. I hear part of the conversation and learn it's Eli her best friend who knows about our relationship.
"Ari" I yell. And she turns around. She sees me and tears come to her eyes immediately.
"Grayson" she yells running toward me and jumping into my waiting arms.
"I missed you" I said twirling her around
"I missed you too" she mumbles against my neck.
"Come on I have a surprise"
"No this is enough and wait you weren't supposed to be here till next week"
"Actually I just wanted to surprise you. Now come on I gotta treat my baby"
"Aww Gray. Okay fine let's go" she says as she jumps down and walks to grab her stuff. She says bye to Eli and walks back to me as we get in my car and leave.
"So where we going?" Ari asks as we drive away.
"I'm taking you to eat and then we're going to your house to cuddle and watch movies like we planned" I reply.
"Sounds perfect. Where we eating?"
"That's a surprise"
"But babe why can't I know"
"It's a surprise. Please let me surprise you" I say looking at her.
"Okay fine"

Arianna's p.o.v. (Before Grayson got there)
My mom was acting really weird today. She was all smiley and told me not to walk home which is weird cause usually she tells me to hurry home. I sit outside the school after almost everyone is gone and wait for her with my friend Eli who said she'd wait with me.
As we sit there a baby blue Porsche drives into the lot, I turn around and talk to Eli when I hear it "Ari!"
I turn around and see him "Grayson!" I yell with tears in my eyes, running into his waiting arms. I nuzzle his neck as he says he missed me.
"I missed you too"I mumble, my head never leaving his neck as he twirls me around. After that we head out for a surprise he has planned. I love knowing we're not far away right now. 4 months together and I know I love him and I always will. Best day ever.

Distance //a Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now