4. Unpleasent Suprise

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*few hours later*

"Kim are you busy?" Jungkook said, sipping on his tea, "Well I have some papers to finish but other than that, no" Taehyung answered,"Are you free today?" Jungkook said, smirking.

"Y-yes?" Taehyung isn't the most flirty type, he has never been in a relationship, he's perfectly fine single, or is he?.
"Can I come over?" Ok now Taehyung started freaking a bit out.

"S-sure?" Taehyung said, not sure if he just said 'Sure you can come over Kook' or 'Yeah I'll sign my soul to Satan'

"I'll see you later then, Taehyungie" Jungkook said smirking. "R-Right bye"


"Shall we go, Taehyungie?"
Jungkook said, smiling, as he peeked through Taehyung's office door, "Yea one second I gave to call Ana" Taehyung said picking up his phone to call 'Ana'

Who the fuck is Ana??

Jungkook thought, angry and jealous, but if you asked him if he was jealous, he'd say no, Jungkook is a little stubborn, and slightly psycho.

Jungkook was in a lot of relationships, most of them broke up with him because of his psychotic side, yes, Jungkook killed people before, he'd do anything for his love, even if that means killing someone.

"Who's Ana, Taehyungie?"
Jungkook said innocently, "She's my friend, ba- Jungkook" Taehyung answered, hoping Jungkook wouldn't notice the fact that he almost called Jungkook baby.

But, unfortunately for Taehyung, Jungkook noticed that and decided to point it out to tease Taehyung a bit, "I'm not gonna ignore the fact that you almost called me 'baby', you know that right?" "...oh she picked up the call one second Jungkook" Jungkook groaned, he doesn't like getting pushed to the side, nor being ignored, it really messed with the psychotic side in him.

"Hi Anie"

He called her Anie, but couldn't call me, baby????

"Yea I was wondering if my friend could come over"

Ok, 1 I'm your soon-to-be boyfriend
2 why the fuck do you need to ask her?? Is she your girlfriend or something????

"Yea ok bye. Um, Jungkook?" Taehyung said looking at Jungkook. Taehyung really liked Jungkook, the fact that he's super kind, beautiful, amazing really fucked with Taehyung's heart.

In short, Taehyung is whipped for Jungkook.

"Let's go" Jungkook said innocently, leading Taehyung to the elevator.


A/N: hey bitches I uploaded again 😚✌

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