What's vampire sex like?

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I walked into the Cullen household, clutching my stomach with laughter, the picture kept replying in my mind, Bella look up at the sound, when her eyes landed on Jacob her eyes grew with excitement, I shifted uncomfortably trying to distract myself from the situation, I quickly threw Edward a mental picture of what I saw earlier, and he chuckled.

“What wrong?” Bella asked immediately, I saw from the corner from my eye, Jacobs gaze dropped, but kept his face composed, I forgot that Jacob loved Bella a lot.

“Jacob got a little embarrassed in the woods before” he laughed again.

Before I could comment on it, high heels stomped thought the door, Jacob was already half way out the door saying a joke about blondes.

“I’ve already heard that one!” she yelled out, and made her way over to Bella to give her a fresh cup of blood, jasper and Alice appeared taking their usual seats around the room, knowing full well what I was going to say.

“So” I started to say as I took a seat on the floor “What’s vampire sex like?”  

Bella started to cough on the blood she was drinking, Edward patted her back “I’ll be back I just have to talk with Jacob” and then he was out the door.

Rosaline was still glaring at me, suddenly Emmett come out of nowhere “Did I hear you guy were talking about sex?”

“Yes, you did Emmett” I smiled as he took a seat next to me, “Anyways, I meant as in sex on roofs and crazy positions?”

I saw the couples look towards each other, indicating they have done these things; Bella just sat their stroking her belly.

I turned to Emmett “Please, Emmett” using my best pout.

“Well, there was this one times me and Rose...” he explained rather excitingly, before he could finish a pillow hit his head, and I’m pretty sure it was Rose.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask Rose and Alice about it later” I waved off, this caught Bella attention “hey, what about me?”

“Vampire sex” I stated “meaning two vampires going into mating... I’m sorry Bella you’re not a vampire... Yet”


I sat in the guest room, waiting for the noise to die down, the baby broke one of Bella ribs this time, Alice steered me to the bedroom so I wasn’t in the way, which I was thankful for, her scream reminded me of my own of that night, the night that changed my life.

I must of fell asleep because the next thing I realised is the room is dark with a bit of light seeping into the windows, my muscles where stiff as I stretched.                            

For the first time in a while I thought about my parents, were they ok? Were they still looking for me? Did they think I was dead? I shook my head at the last thought, and picked up my phone to see the time, 7:45am. I rolled over ready to go to sleep again, when I could hear a loud snore, I recognize it immediately, I heard it almost every day for the last week, or was it two I can’t really tell what day it is anymore. I put on the clothes I wore yesterday which still lingered the smell of Jake, and made my way down the stairs to find Seth’s arm around Bella and Jacob in attack mode, I decided to break the tension.

“Good morning” 

Everyone said a brief good morning back and continued with their conversation, which was fine by me because I was starving, as I entered the kitchen I saw Alice behind the bench cutting up some fresh fruits, that’s when I had a brilliant idea.

“Hey Alice, what’s for breakfast?” I asked politely, I watched as she cut a banana into perfect slices.

“You were thinking of doing pancakes, weren’t you?” she smiled, of course Alice already knew what I was thinking.

I pulled up my sleeves “let’s get to work” 


So pancake making didn’t turn out so well since Alice let me flip them, the first one I tried to flip ended up stuck to the roof, and the other twenty were oddly shaped and burnt, and one was on fire.

“ALICE HELP MEEE” I screamed as I picked up the pan and ran to the sink, I opened the tap and the whole pan started to sizzle, thank god Jake wasn’t her to see this awful sight  .

I heard a boom of laughter and I turned to see Alice, Emmett and Jasper.

“Thanks guys, I could have died!” I huffed in annoyance, but if I was them I would have laughed to.

I looked at the stack of burnt pancakes and decided I was going to eat them anyways.

“You can’t eat those Sara, you’ll get sick” Alice scowled as she tried to pull the plate out of my hands.

“meh” I said as pulled back, I got a fist full of fruit and sprinkled it all over my food and drowned the rest in syrup, I could already imagine what it will taste like, Emmett already has his phone to film my reaction.. great.

I picked up a fork and cut a piece, it made a crunching sound and I tried not to shudder, how do I get myself in these situations.

Ok.. Sara, Three, Two.. I shoved the whole thing in my mouth and swallowed.

Then I threw up burnt pancake everywhere. 


mmmm yummy

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