Altertale - Inconsistency (Episode 3)

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A Song plays in a distant area in the plane.

Sans: Do you hear that?

Frisk: Wait.. it's the Game Over screen song! That means we're in the Game Over screen! I would know, you kinda sent me here countless times actually.

Sans: It was well deserved.. anyway, let's follow the sound...

*Frisk and Sans see the Game Over screen.

Sans: Hey kid, let Chara control you again, they'll know how to get out of here.

Frisk: Alright, just know that I'm always watching and listening!

*Frisk let's their body get controlled by Chara

Chara: Ahhh, it feels great to have a corporeal body again!

Sans: Not helping, show me the exit.

*Chara opens a wormhole in the screen

Chara: Well? Jump in bonebag!

Sans: Jeez kid, hold up! It's not everyday you jump inside of a portal.

*Chara and Sans jump in the wormhole, they appear in a plane of lines of code.

Sans: You said there were files?

Chara: There, its in a zip.file

*They enter the folder

Sans: Oh my god...

They see different characters, but they're pixelated...

Sans: If there are all the monsters here, then...!

*Sans sees a file with Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Asgore and himself.

*Sans let's out a tear as he grabs all of the files of his friends.

Chara: Did you seriously bring out all of them?

Sans: If Frisk isn't going to Reset, then I might as well bring my friends back!

Chara: Well we're not here for them though, we need to go to to the main drive to go to the Central Processing Unit.

As Chara and Sans try to find the Main folder to get into the CPU, someone sees them. A giant human looks straight at them.

???: What are YOU doing here!?

Sans launches a Gaster Blaster, but the person is on a whole other plane.

???: I won't let this mistake go unfixed...

*The Person clicks on an Anti-Virus program

Chara: Do we need to be worried about that?

Sans: Nah, we're not viruses.

The Anti-Virus appears as a monster...

AV: I am Anti-Virus, you may call me AV for short, my sole purpose is to remove ANY inconsistencies in this PC, Virus or not!

Sans: Run... RUN!

*AV shoots out lasers to try and remove Sans and Chara.

AV: You can't escape. Not after you've figured out what you are.

Chara: No more running away!

Sans: Let's do this.

*Chara equips the Empty Gun

Chara shoots out bullets of determination,

Sans fires out bones from seemingly nowhere

AV took no damage

AV: Hahaha! Was that supposed to hurt?

Chara: GRRR, you'll regret EVER trying to cross with us!

*Chara equips the Tough Glove

Chara let's out a punching barrage then tries to sweep AV, AV jumps, but sans fires a Blaster while he's in mid-air

AV gets knocked back.

Chara right hooks AV in the face, to no avail.

AV uses a shockwave to knock Chara back.

Sans: We can't fight, that's not a living thing, it doesn't have a SOUL!

Sans and Chara run for the wormhole but sans gets shot,

Sans: URK!

Sans and Chara are right at the wormhole, Chara gets in, but Sans does not

Chara: Hey bonehead! GET IN!

Sans: I- I can't!

Chara: WHAT!? Why?!

Sans: I dropped the file with our friends in it...

Chara: It doesn't matter, that... THING will kill you!

Sans: I can't just abandon my friends!

Chara: Face it Sans, Frisk KILLED them, you can't bring them back even if you wanted to!

Frisk takes back possession of their body...

Frisk: Sans, NO!

Sans: Sorry Kid... I promise, I'll come back alive... then, after we reset, let's go to Grillby's, capiche?

*Frisk starts to cry...

Sans: Don't give me that face kid... it'll just make things harder,

Frisk: Promise?

Sans: ...Promise...

*Sans pushes Frisk into the wormhole

To be Continued...

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