Altertale - True Reset (Episode 5)

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Sans goes to the same area where they first saw the player.

Sans: Hey! Anybody here?

*The player turns on the PC

???: You... what happened to Anti-Virus?!

Sans: I sorta dealt with him, now it's just you and me... let me ask you a question...

Do you want to have a bad time? Because if you try to stop me, and keep on controlling my friends... you'll regret it.

???: Okay I'm just really confused. Aren't you just a program? How do you have feelings? How are you TALKING to me?

Sans: Is that IT? We're just bars of code? So it's ok to toy with us just because we're a PROGRAM? Is it not that we have our own feelings?

???: Well yeah, that's usually how it goes in our world. You're a GAME. Nothing more. You can't have feelings, you're defective, and must be eradicated.

*The Player turns on the Computer

Sans: ... Tell me your name ...

???: Hehehe... my name is Robert, call me Rob.

Sans: Rob, I will NEVER forget this. As long as I draw life, I promise, and I swear...

                                   I ' L L   D E S T R O Y   Y O U

*Rob turns his cursor into a white... something

Sans launches a barrage of bones, it seemed to work for it went through him, but it ended up absorbing the bones like it was nothing.

The Cursor charges at Sans, he effectively dodges every strike. Then Sans slams the cursor unto the floor then sticks bones out of the ground, again, the cursor absorbs it

Sans: If bones don't work, how about BLASTS?

Sans summons multiple Blasters one by one, then fires, the cursor seems to walk through the beams. Sans then summons a new type of Blaster that blasts bones in a huge flurry, the cursor dodges them, until he gets up close.

The cursor seemed to melt into Sans' body sans started to feel nauseous he wanted to take a nap.

Chara: Sans! Don't fall asleep, if you die we can't reset!

Sans: But... it's so... warm... I'm just... tired *yawn*

Chara: Sans, think about Papyrus, he wouldn't want this! He'd root for his brother, no matter how lazy he is. Sans... this is our chance to finally live a peaceful life.

*Sans thinks about his friends, and all the hardships he's gone through.

Sans: You're right. I want us to live our lives freely.. so...

Sans unleashes a blue aura that boats the cursor away.

Sans: I'm NOTgiving up now!

Sans runs away from the cursor, the cursor follows.. sans summons a corridor of bones behind him. The cursor slips through.

Sans: Chara, Check him

Cursor Monster

ATK: ???

DEF: ???

Uhh I've never seen this monster before. Hey, I know! Since it melted I think it's susceptible to your Blaster!

Sans: But maybe even with a huge Gaster Blaster, he won't be fazed.

Chara: That's why you need to charge up and wait... over there! Hide in one of those folders!

*Sans goes to a random folder with a Nanosoft Word Document.

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