Altertale - Transcension (Episode 7)

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The monsters sit inside a dark interviewing room, with Frisk, an interrogator, and the other human on the other side.

Interrogator: Alright, I'm going to ask you one last time... WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!

Undyne: Damn it, we don't have time for this! We just want to negotiate with...

Alphys: Undyne, let me handle this...

Undyne: Ughhh!

Alphys: Sir, are you familiar with the war between Monsters and Humans?

Interrogator: Excuse me?

Alphys: Our war? The war that led to us monsters being trapped underground? I'm honestly shocked that schools haven't taught that in your history classes...

Interrogator: Ma'am, I've graduated at the top of my class, and I can guarantee that there has been no war between "humans and monsters"!

Asgore: Are you not even familiar with me? The king of monsters?

Interrogator: Is this some kind of prank?! If it is this isn't funny, we'll have to sentence you to years in prison.

*Sans nudges Frisk

Sans: Kid...

Frisk: Yeah, I know, this is bad...

*The interrogator notices Sans and Frisk Talking,

Interrogator: Kid, you're human right?

Frisk: Uh- Of course.

Interrogator: Tell me, what ARE these.... things?

Frisk: I- I don't...

Interrogator: If you don't answer me in 3 seconds, I'll sentence your friends to be sent to the Supreme Court to be judged there, the President of the United States will have to see this...

Sans: Kid...!

Frisk: Well... uhhh...


Frisk: We... are...


Frisk: Sorry guys...

???: WAIT!

*The human from before speaks up.

Interrogator: Yes Miss....

???: Sam...

Sam: They're... not from here...

Interrogator: Are you playing along with their games now?

Sam: Sir... I... um...

Interrogator: Calm down kid, don't worry. These guys can't hurt you anymore.

Sam: I've already told you, they never hurt me!

Interrogator: If that's the case, what did you want to say?

Sam: Sir... are you familiar with the game Undertale?

Interrogator: Hmm.. I've never heard of it. What is it about?

*Sam's face lights up in spite of the situation

Sam: Oh! It's really awesome! You play as a human named Frisk and then you have to explore the underground, beneath Mount. Ebott, and you have a choice to either spare or kill the monsters of the underground!

Interrogator: Mount.... Ebott?

Sam: Uh yes that's the name of the mountain.

Toriel: S- Sans?! What is this about an Undertale?

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