Altertale - Revelations (Episode 14)

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A few hours later...

The Underground - True Lab

The remaining monsters stay in the bedroom, trying to comprehend what just transpired, while our heroes go into a separate room with a television.

Flowey: Come on, slowpoke! What are you doing?

Alphys: I'm... configuring the channel so that we'll be able to watch the news on the surface.

Frisk: Alphys, I don't think watching the news is going to help raise the morale.

Alphys: Heh. That's what you all think. B- but I was able to send a video clip of what went down in Snowdin.

Frisk: Wait... how?!

Alphys: Well uh, I memorized the phone number of Channel 8 News when we were in the motel. Then I sent an anonymous video clip via my lab. If the humans truly believe in peace and equality, they'll air the FIB opening fire on us!

Undyne: Alphys, you're a genius, albeit a total nerd!

Alphys: *Blush* Th- thank you, Un- Undyne!

Asgore: Alphys, how did you manage to record what happened?

Alphys: Oh uhm... remember th- those cameras you made me set up to watch out for humans, K- King Asgore? I s- simply used those cameras, replayed the feed, then recorded everything.

Asgore: How curious. Who would have known that the technology we used to capture humans will be used to establish peace with them.

Toriel: Alphys... what are these video tapes? The ones labelled from 1-5.

Alphys and Frisk realize which tapes Toriel is talking about.

Frisk: Oh! Mom, I-

Alphys quickly snatches away the video tapes.

Alphys: OH! Ehehehehe- I- I don't th- think you should watch these, Queen Toriel.

Alphys scurries to the shelves and arranges the tapes.

Toriel: Oh my. I really wonder what are in those tapes now.

Undyne: Don't worry, Queen Toriel! I trust Alphys, so it's probably nothing.

Frisk: Y- yeah I agree with Undyne. You definitely don't want to watch those tapes.

While Alphys continously tinkers with the Television, Sans has an idea...

Sans: *Whisper* Psst, Tori. You wanna watch those videos?

Toriel: *Whisper* Hm? Well, I guess we could... *Giggle*

While nobody is looking, Sans telekinetically brings tapes 1 and 5 towards him.

Sans: *Whisper* Come on, Old Lady! There's another TV Room somewhere around the lab.

Toriel: *Giggle* Oh my... how mischievious!

Sans and Toriel approach the exit door, but their constant giggling while doing so alerts the monsters.

Frisk: Uhhh guys? Where are you two going?

Sans: Oh uh... Tori and I just have to do some... "business".

Papyrus: Undyne, what are they talking about?

Undyne: Oh... Papyrus! They're just going to.... solve some... puzzles?

Papyrus: Wowie! So the queen IS a total dork!

Toriel: *Giggle* We'll be right back.

Sans and Toriel exit...

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