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Oliver didn't really know how to react to Tony Stark meeting him in the lobby. Or knowing who he was.

"Yeah, that's me, whoa." Oliver rushed out. Tony just nodded and motioned for Oliver to follow him.

"Great, follow me. You'll have to be with me for the first day, since you don't have an ID yet. But once you do, you'll have almost free range on the whole tower. The apartments are off limits, and you'll most likely not meet the Avengers."

Oliver had no idea if he was supposed to respond to that or not, so he just nodded.

"Now, sad news, but in a few months I'm selling the tower and moving everything upsate, so the Internship's going to happen on the weekends, if that's okay."

"Um, yes?" Oliver didn't really have any opinion on it honestly, he was just in shock that he was talking to Tony Stark.

"Okay, then, in the meantime we'll be working on a suit for Spider-Man, and some of the designs that you sent in."

"Oh, yay?" Tony turned around, finally taking in the teen. Oliver stood there awkwardly rubbing his hands together.

"'Yay'? That's all? You just started an Internship that will let you work on a superheroes suit, and on top of that work with me to help you develop your own knowledge, and all it gets is 'yay'," Tony looked Oliver in the eyes, "What are you worried about?"

"Well, other than working with a literal genius and superhero? Maybe realizing that I'm not that smart, or worthy of the Internship?" Oliver didn't know if it was all the stress he'd been under, or if he was just magically confident all of a sudden, but he slapped a hand over his mouth right after the words slipped out.

"Wow, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." Oliver apologized, "I didn't really get much sleep, and schools been stressful, and there's family stuff going on,"

The whole time Tony had just been staring at him with raised eyebrows.

"So this is what teenagers are like, huh?" He turned to the front of the elevator.

"I'm so, so, sorry Mr. Stark, that was not how I meant to introduce myself."

"Oh, it's no problem, I bet I was ten times worse when I was a teen," Tony turned back to Oliver when the elevator dinged, "Plus I didn't even have half the power you do."

Oliver laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh, yeah, that." Oliver was taken aback for a second, the lab was amazing. It was full of clutter and little pieces of machinery scattered across table tops. Not to mention the robots and the IronMan suit laid open on one of the tables.

"Whoa, this place is crazy, and messy," Oliver turned to a proud looking Tony.

"Organized mess. But that's not the point, that-" He pointed to an empty desk, "Is your workspace."

Oliver felt like he was going to explode, or spontaneously combust. As much as he wanted to play it cool, and act chill in front of Tony Stark, it was getting harder and harder to not lose his shit.

"That's really cool," Oliver squeaked out, his face getting redder and redder. Tony turned to him, worried again.

"Kid, are you okay?" Oliver nodded unconvincingly, Tony squinted. "You know, for a fan, you haven't asked any questions about the Avengers or Iron Man. Is that why your head's about to explode?"

SO ALRIGHT, COOL, WHATEVER | PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now