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~ this has nothing else to do with the story other than add insight into Oliver's character ~

Romantically, Oliver usually failed. The one girl he ever had a crush on, completely turned him down. Like, she slammed a door in his face. Literally.

After that experience, he never really tried again. He got over the girl quickly, she had made it very clear she didn't like him. Although the next day at school she did apologize for calling him "an ugly waste of space" and then "how could I ever like someone like you!".

It messed him up for a few years, but if something mildly traumatic didn't happen in middle school, then what's the point?

Then in high school, Oliver realized that he didn't only like girls. It was his best friend at the time who actually made him realize it.

James was on another level compared to Oliver. He played on the varsity volleyball team, even though he was pretty short, volunteered at the animal shelter, and always watched Oliver's shows with him.

It always shocked people to find out that the two were so close after knowing each other for a year.

But everything went to hell when Oliver decided to catch feelings. In his defense, it wasn't like he could really control it.]

Oliver came to the realization slowly.

It happened whenever James would fall asleep while they were watching a movie and lean onto Oliver. Or when James would have Oliver set a few balls for him at the beach. Or when Oliver was invited to swim at James house.

It was also when Oliver would see James around school, or running errands for the teachers. Soon enough anytime Oliver and James would hangout, Oliver would get nervous.

James caught on. Oliver had been acting increasingly odd, and like a good friend, was worried something was wrong.

What James didn't know was that Oliver was having a crisis. He never had any reason before to question his sexuality, or have to try and discern romantic and platonic feelings. It was a stressful time in his life.

He had slowly started to hide himself away from the world so that he could try and understand what he was feeling.

The whole situation had made James frustrated with him. In his mind, he must've done something for Oliver to start to distance himself.

The amount of times Oliver would respond to his texts kept getting longer and longer until the only time they talked was at school.

By that point, Oliver realized he had a fat crush on his best friend. All he wanted was for it to go away. He had accepted the fact that he was bi (after a deep dive on random articles and YouTube videos he figured it out), but not the fact he had a crush on James.

So he did what he thought would be able to get rid of it: ignore James.

His plan didn't work though, since Oliver was James' only close friend.

Everything boiled down to one night when James showed up to Oliver's house to get answers on what was happening.

Oliver had done everything in his power to try and hide things from the other boy, but it didn't work.

The two sat on the stairs in front of Oliver's house. Oliver in a cold sweat, and James slightly depressed.

"So," Oliver trailed off.

"So," James copied, "Why've you been ignoring my texts?"

"Well, um, a lot's been going on in my head lately," Oliver replied, "I, um, well, I realized that I'm bi,"

It was like a weight had been simultaneously lifted and placed on his shoulders. He waited nervously for James' response, hoping it'd be good.

"And? That's what you've been ignoring me for? I mean, I support you and everything, but it's been a month man, you're my best friend."

Oliver sighed, whether it was relief or fear, he didn't know.

"Well, that's only part of it." Oliver paused, "The second part is a lot harder for me to say, and honestly it really scares me and I really don't want to lose you over it."

"Oliver, there's nothing that can stop me from being friends with you."

"Well I guess I should just say it then," Oliver took a deep breath, "I have a crush on you, and that's what I've been ignoring you over because I really don't want our friendship to be ruined over it, I'm really sorry okay? Please believe me."

James just looked at him. No change in his expression, just a blank stare.

"Listen, I really should've kept this a secret, I don't meant to, like, creep you out or anything, it's something that I need to get over,"

By the time Oliver was done with his second little tirst, James just looked disappointed.

"Oliver, I don't think any less of you or anything. Sure I'm a little freaked out, but it's mainly because my best friends just confessed he has a crush on me." James looked down to his feet, "But I think that we shouldn't hang out as much, or at least until the crush goes away, because you're like a brother to me, I'm sorry."

Oliver nodded, expecting it to turn out something like this.

"But it's not like I never want to talk to you again, I just really don't want you to get hurt over this." He looked away, "I do really care about you, just not like that."

"I completely understand," Oliver responded, "Well, I guess I'll see you at school Monday?"

"Yeah, see you later Oli."

The rest of the year Oliver and James' relationship was awkward. James ended up dating one of the girls on the tennis team, and Oliver just tried his best to support his friend.

By the time summer rolled around, they were close to how they were before; playing beach volleyball and watching dumb videos, only there were a few more people involved.

Oliver was proud to say that he definitely grew more into a happier person after the talk with James, although it definitely hurt a hell of a lot for a long time after.

He truly didn't think he'd have another high school romance with everything that was going on in his life.

That is, until he met Peter Parker.


a/n - Heh, not really part of the main story, but I just wanted to evolve Oliver's character a little more outside of the story. I mean, he's been my brainchild for the past year, there's a lot of content in my head. Anyway, once again I've been thrown out of the writing loop. It's not exactly writers block, but more of that I have gr8 ideas and no skill to get them onto the fucking computer. It's cool tho, I'm working it out. If everything goes okay next week should have the whole movie situation, might be as short as the past couple chapters. On another note, schools starting soon and I'm in the middle of switching to independent studies and the school hasn't sent me anything to actually sign up for my classes and get assigned a teacher? Covid's really messing things up rn. Anyway thanks for sticking with this story!!! 

SO ALRIGHT, COOL, WHATEVER | PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now