Chapter Thirteen

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"I hope everyone looked over the study guide last night. We're ending the class with a quiz today except I'm allowing you to work with a partner. You're not allowed to use notes, just your partner."

Adonis leaned back in his seat as he listened to his teacher give simple instructions. Class was almost over and she wanted to end the day with a quiz to see if they were paying her any attention. It would be things from yesterday's study guide and things from today that she went over on the board. He was happy that she was letting them choose their partners instead of assigning them. He didn't know anyone else in the class besides Ember.

For some reason she was extremely quiet today. He didn't even see her in lunch like he usually did. Adonis looked over at her, as she doodled on the front of her folder. The bracelet that he had gotten her a couple of days ago was on her wrist. He didn't think that she would actually wear it.

It was as if Jacoby knew that Adonis was about to speak to her. Jacoby beat him to it which only made Adonis frown. He noticed that he was all over her in the hallway this morning and Ember already seemed a tad bit annoyed. No matter how many times he got curved, Jacoby just wasn't letting up.

"Ember, you trying to be my partner?" Jacoby asked.

"Nah, she good." Adonis spoke for her.

"Let her speak for herself, bro." Jacoby said.

Ember looked back and forth between the two before going back to drawing on her folder. She didn't feel like being put in the middle of a fight. Her father put her on punishment again because she got home thirty minutes late from Namiko's. She was just helping her out on a project that was giving them both hell.

"I ain't your bro. Like I said, she good, nigga." Adonis tells him. Ember didn't say anything, she just sat there. She really didn't want to work with Jacoby because he was annoying.

Jacoby sucked his teeth, ignoring Adonis, her went on to ask, "Ember, do you want to be my partner?"

Ember finally looked up from her doodling, "I'm gonna work with Adonis." She says lowly. Although she knew that she shouldn't, there were no other choices in the classroom since she didn't know anyone else.

Jacoby looked pissed but he went and found someone else to work with. Ember was about to climb to her feet to slide her desk closer to Adonis's but he stopped her.

"I got you." He tells her as he reached over and pulled her desk towards his. He could smell the Chanel perfume that she always wore.

"Thank you." She gives him a weak smile as the teacher placed their test down in front of them.

"This doesn't seem too hard."

"Nah, I'll take the bottom half and you can do the top half." Adonis said.

Ember nodded in agreement. The quiz was quite simple with only ten questions and they were done in no time. Some of the other students were still taking the test while others indulged into conversation.

To avoid eye contact with Adonis, Ember went back to doodling. He examined her drawing and couldn't miss the heart in the corner of her folder that had his name beside it.

"I see you still thinking about a nigga." Adonis said.

Ember had completely forgotten about that, and she sucked her teeth, and laughed a little, "I drew that when we were together."

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