Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Ember stepped inside of her home, shutting the door behind her. Although she was sore, she felt as if she were on cloud nine after her night with Adonis. The way that he catered to every inch of her body; Ember didn't want him to stop touching her. Losing her virginity was quite painful, but after the second round, it felt like heaven. Adonis could not get enough of her, so they ended up going three rounds in one night.

It was nine o'clock in the morning and she could hear the tv inside of the living room. Her mother was sitting on the sofa. The second Sahara laid eyes on her, she stood up and frowned.

"Where have you been?" Sahara asked.

"Namiko." Ember lies as she tries to slip past her mother; however, Sahara was not having it. She quickly blocked Ember's path.

"Stop lying to me. Namiko told me that you were never staying at her house. She told me everything, so cut the bullshit." Sahara tells her.

Ember frowns she could not believe that Namiko sold her out like that. So much for having a best friend.

Sahara continued, "You've been running around here with that boy, haven't you?"

Ember looked away from her mother. There was no point in lying anymore. Sahara did her research, even making a social media account, finding their pictures on Instagram. The most recent one was when they were on that helicopter together. She was so disappointed in her daughter. Sahara gripped Ember's face with her fingers forcing her to look in her eyes.

That's when Ember saw it. The bruise that was forming around her mothers' eye. She knew that her mother had either gotten into a fight, or X had hit her the same way he hit Ember.

"Ember, I'm trying the best that I can to raise you not to be like me, or any of these other fast ass teenaged girls. You better not bring no fucking baby back to my house. I will have no choice but to put you out and let you be the adult that you chose to be. Do you understand?"

Ember frowns, before turning her head, causing her mother to let go of her face. If her parents ever put her out then she would have nowhere to go, "I understand."

"What are you thinking sneaking around like that? Both of you are playing with fire and someone is going to get burned. It won't be your father." Sahara tells her. She knew that trying to keep Ember away from Adonis was going to be a problem.

"Did he hit you?" Ember asked looking back into her mother's eyes.

"No, why would you ask me that?"

"Because of your eye. It's bruised."

"No, your father would never hit me or any of us." Sahara said.

Ember became confused. She could not have been dreaming that day X slapped her. Her mother had been standing right there when it happened.

"What? You know he would. He hit me, remember?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Go up to your room and get dressed. We are taking your brother to comic con and I do not want to hear another word from you about it. Do you hear me?"

Without a word, Ember stormed upstairs. Her mother was being so delusional. Ember was starting to think that Sahara was just afraid of X because of his reputation.

Ember sighed as she sat on the edge of her bed. She was in no mood to attend comic con, however, since she has not spent a lot of time with Justin, this would be her chance. She knew that her parents were just going to drop them off and go do their own thing. She showered and got herself dressed. By that time, her mother was rushing her out of the house.

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