Chapter Thirty-Six

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Two weeks later

"I'm clocking out." Ember announced to her co-workers. Words could not describe the level of tired that she was. She had to get home to her brother because his nightmares were becoming more frequent.

Ember put things away and cleaned up a bit before she clocked out. She was so happy that she would only be working there for a few more weeks before graduation. The days were going by so quickly and she could not wait until that day came. Her mind was made up and she would be staying on campus.

Grabbing her bags from the break room, Ember traveled out to the skating rink. She raised her brow in confusion once she saw Adonis leaning against the railing. They had not talked in a couple of weeks. She figured that he was just out with his friends or something.

"Hey." Ember says lowly. Things were already awkward between them; she did not want to make it worse. They were in the same class, yet Ember changed her seat and sat in the front. Mainly to avoid Jacoby. Word got around school that her and Adonis were not together anymore, and Jacoby had constantly been breathing down her neck.

Even girls were all over Adonis, yet he showed no interest in them. He could not seem to move on from Ember.

Adonis studies her, his eyes traveling up and down her body. Even in her work uniform, she looked good, "What's up?"

"Happy to be going home, honestly." Ember tells him. It's Friday and someone had booked the skating rink for a party. It was going to be a wild night because people were already there early, and they were all teenagers. Either way, Ember didn't think that she could handle another long shift during a party.

"Friday nights be crazy, huh?"

"Who you telling? I'm not trying to be in the mix."

Adonis chuckled, but before he could respond, a girl approached him. Ember recognized Dessiana. She was a in a couple of Ember's classes. They never talked, in fact, she always gave Ember dirty looks just like a lot of the other girls did.

"Adonis, I knew you would come." Ignoring that Ember was there, she wrapped her arms around Adonis, hugging him.

Adonis kissed his teeth, as he pushed Dessiana away, "Come on Dess, I'm not here for no party. Do you not see me talking to Em right now?"

"Damn, sorry then." Dessiana looked over at Ember and rolled her eyes.

"What's your problem, Dessiana?" Ember asked.

"Girl ain't no problem unless you trying to make one." Dessiana stepped in Ember's face.

Ember frowned, "You need to get back out of my face though before it really be a problem."

Adonis slid in between the two, facing Dessiana, "Chill out."

"Check your girl." Dessiana says before she walked away.

He turned to Ember who rolled her eyes up. She turned to walk away but Adonis quickly grabbed her hand, pulling her to his chest. Tonight he planned on talking and working things out with her. That was his whole reason of showing his face tonight. Malik was at the party and informed Adonis that Ember was there, working. It was the only time that he could catch up to her.

"Leave me alone Adonis." Ember mumbled.

"Ember, what did I do?"

Just minutes ago, she was fine with talking to him, now she was pissed at him. She could not help the tears that fell from her eyes. This was a tough time in her life and she needed someone to talk to. Someone that would listen and understand her. She was seconds away from taking her frustration out on Dessiana, yet she could not lose her job.

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