Chapter Eighteen

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Adonis sat in the far back booth of the restaurant, waiting for Sasha and Jr. He had been sitting there for over thirty minutes and Sasha was late. His patience was wearing thin and he was starting to think that she wasn't going to show up. The owner had already been eyeing him suspiciously because Adonis hasn't ordered anything yet. Adonis ignored him though. This would have been much easier if they just met at Sasha's apartment. As long as he's known Sasha, she would take forever to get ready. Sasha had several excuses of why they couldn't meet at her place. Adonis read between the lines quickly, knowing that Sasha probably had another man living with her. He honestly didn't care about all of that. Sasha wasn't his concern anymore.

He took a few days and did a lot of thinking. If Jr's biological father didn't want to be in his life then Adonis wouldn't just walk out of his life especially since Adonis was all Jr knew. He was the only father figure that Jr ever had.

Adonis had become used to getting his son everyday or every weekend to take him out and spend time with him. Now he just spent his time with Ember and since she had been away for a few days, he spent most of his time in the gym.

The thought of leaving crossed Adonis's mind just as Sasha made her entrance inside of the restaurant with Jr. The second Jr saw Adonis, he picked up speed and ran towards Adonis with excitement.

"Dad! I missed you!" He shouted.

Adonis smiled as he hugged him and helped him in the booth, "I've missed you too. How have you been kiddo?"

"Good!" Jr says swinging his feet. He was three, and most times he was quiet but today he seemed overly excited. He picked up the crayons and begin coloring.

Adonis looked over at Sasha who slid in the booth across from them, not saying a word. He studied her for a minute, trying to read her but he got nothing.

"What's up Sash?" Adonis asked.

"Nothing." She mumbled. Sasha didn't feel like seeing his face today, especially because of his rudeness from the other night.

He figured that was the reason that she was still mad, and Adonis had no problem being the bigger person, "Look, I'm sorry for calling you out of your name."

Sasha raised her brow a bit. It took a lot for Adonis to apologize. Being around him, she's never heard him apologizing to be honest, "You? Apologizing? Hell must be then froze over."

Adonis kissed his teeth, "Do you accept it or not? We got to be cordial with one another anyway."

"No we don't because Jr knows who his real father is. Gervonte doesn't want you around his son so this gone be your last day seeing him. I don't have to deal with you at all and I'm so grateful for that."

"Thought you told me he didn't want to be in Jr's life." Adonis reminded.

"We had a talk and he decided to step up and be a real father." Sasha says putting emphasis on the word real.

Adonis chuckled, "What about his name?"

Thinking that Adonis would never find out about Jr not being his son, Sasha named him after Adonis, making him a Jr so that nothing would be suspicious. For Sasha it was all about being with someone who had money and she loved the thought of having materialistic things. Being with Adonis, she didn't have to pay bills. He always told her that she would have nothing to worry about because she was the mother of his son. Her unfaithful ways messed that up completely for her.

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