Chapter Twenty-One

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Placing the paper down on the table, Adonis looked over at his parents. The look on his mother's face was disappointment and the look on his father's face was neutral. Ricky never showed much emotion which made it complicated to know what he was thinking.

"You told us that you were going to get yourself through college." Katrina says. She was more than upset with her son's decision.

"Katrina, it's his decision. Let him chase his dreams." Ricky said.

"He's allowed to chase his dreams but he does not need to be missing out on his education. What happens if this boxing does not work out? What the hell are you going to do with your life then, Adonis?" Katrina rambled.

They didn't let him get a chance to speak. His mother saw his information filled out on the paper in front of them which made her start assuming things. Adonis chuckled to himself as he watched his mother ramble on. Annoyed that he thought this was a joke, Katrina threw a pillow across the room, smacking Adonis in the face.

"I don't find anything amusing right now." Katrina says.

"Ma, you gonna let me talk now?" Adonis asked. He watched his mother frown but didn't say anything. Adonis took that as his cue to talk, "I'm going to do both."

Katrina folded her arms, waiting for Adonis to further explain. She loved that he was planning ahead, but did not like some of the decisions that he would make sometimes. Katrina knew that he was still a teen, so he was growing and learning.

"I can work around my schedule. Just give me the chance to do this, and if it becomes too much..." Adonis paused, sighing lowly, "I'll drop boxing just until I graduate."

Katrina looked over at her husband, before she looked back over at Adonis, "Ricky, don't you have anything to say about this?"

Ricky shook his head, "Trina, he's not a child. I'm sure he can handle it."

"You better keep it together." Katrina warned.

"I will, promise." Adonis said as he stood to his feet.

"And where do you think you are going? Paisley needs a babysitter." Katrina says.

"Ma, come on, I got plans." Adonis says.

Ever since homecoming night, Paisley had been giving him the cold shoulder. She has not said a word to him all day. Paisley was up in her room and didn't come out unless their parents needed something. Adonis did some thinking and he felt bad for what happened. He wasn't accusing her of anything. Besides her having the fake ID to sneak out to a jazz club, he knew that Paisley was telling the truth about Ezra.

When she was found, there were drugs in her system.

Paisley was having a hard time, and he decided not to continuously jump down her throat. No one knew how she really felt. So he decided to let her be.

People on social media were going wild in his mentions. The comments underneath him and Ember's pictures were out of hand. Some were here for it and some were not. Half of them thought that they were doing all of this for attention because Adonis was trying to make a come up.

They didn't know him like that to be assuming. He did not need that type of attention. It had gotten so annoying that Adonis turned his comments off and signed out of everything.

He hated social media.

"To do what? Meet Ember? She can come over. It's either that or you take Paisley with you. Me and your father got some important things to handle."

Adonis sighed out in frustration. His parents left him alone in the living room. Ember wanted to attend a cirque du soleil show, downtown. Malik, and Namiko were coming as well. Although that was not Adonis's type of scene, he promised Ember that he would go. He sent her a quick text, telling her that he had to bring Paisley along. She responded with a simple okay.

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