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The boy entered the Alfred Hospital in hurry. He was late.

He carried a container in his hand with the lunch of his mother inside. She spent the last two days in the institute, living on instant noodles, so her son decided to surprise her with a selfmade dish before her next shift starts. And anyway he was pretty close, since his semester at Victoria University just started so it was only half an hour away with public transport.

"Hi mum" he stopped, breathing heavily, in front of the desk where his mother was standing with her colleagues.

"Chris, what are you doing here?" the woman was surprised to see her son in her workplace. He'd never been there in the one year since she worked here.

"I brought you lunch." the boy shrugged like it was a normal situation. It wasn't.

"Everything is okay?" his mom wasn't convinced about her son's wellbeing. He usually spent his days in his room that he transformed into a studio for himself to be able to work on musics.

"Yeah, you know first day at uni and you are working constantly, so we couldn't meet, so I cooked something for you to eat."

"That's very nice of you." she shook her head but smiled at him. "We can go out to the garden, I have twenty minutes left from my break."

"Sounds good, I haven't eaten yet"

They entered one of the gardens of the hospital. It was planted with perfectly cutted trees and bushes. They searched for a bench somewhere quite, but after all there were only one person outside of them.

The girl with black shoulder length hair was a few meters away, but she ignored them, or she just hadn't realised their presence. She sat crisscrossed with a thick book in her hands and her airpods in. She was skinny and was wearing some black tracksuit, she was definitely a patient here.

"Who is she?" Chris pokked her mother tilting his head to the girl's direction.

"She. " her mother's face went sorrowful. "Her name is Willa, she is in the same age as you."

"She is ill, isn't she?" he asked still looking at the girl. Something was in her that interested him.

"Yes." her mother nodded. "But come on, leave her alone, let's she be in peace."

But Chris knew that he would come back to see the girl again. Not because she was the prettiest or he fell in love with her at first sight. No, because she seemed sad and lonely, and in Chris' world it wasn't an option. He decided he will visit her the next day and make her smile.

One More Light  ¦ Bang Chan ¦Where stories live. Discover now