~~~~Lucy's POV~~~~
After a long hour of watching Amber look up her family tree and reading Divergent the bell finally rang. Me and Amber went to my locker to get my backpack then went to Amber's locker to get her backpack then started walking to the middle school t pick up my little brother, when we got there I asked my brother if he had everything he needed he said he did and he wanted to know if his best friend Jack could come over I looked at Amber and she said "Sure I guess" so we ended up picking up not only my little brother but his best friend which also happens to be Amber's little brother. So we started walking home, we don't live to far away maybe 10 minutes, that might seem like a long way but it's not. When we got to my house we went inside, my mom still wasn't home she normally doesn't get home till around 4 and it was only 2:50 so as usual me and Amber got on YouTube on my T.V (yes I can get on YouTube on my T.V) and looked up videos of Magcon. After maybe a half hour of watching videos we decide to start our homework, we don't have a lot just some Math and English when we get done my mom walks in the front door.
~~~~Amber's POV~~~~
Me and Lucy walk to her house after school, she still seems upset about not being found on that website. When we got to her house we did the usual, watched videos of Magcon on YouTube, then started our homework about a half hour later. We finished just as her mom got home, "Hi Laura" I said "Hi mom" Lucy said. "Oh hey girls" she said sounding a little bit surprised to see us, Lucy must of forgotten to tell her we were coming here after school instead of my house.
~~~~Lucy's POV~~~~
"Sorry ma I forgot to text you and let you know we decided to come here instead of Amber's house." I quickly said "It's fine, how was school?" My mom asked "Good, we only had a little bit of homework" Amber said. "Yeah it was ok, we only had Math and English homework. We just finished it." I say. "Ok well that's good. Amber would you like to stay for dinner?" my mom asked, I don't exactly know why she asked, she already knows Ambers going to say yes. As if she was reading my mind Amber said "Sure I'd love to." "How come Lucy get's to have friends over for dinner, and I can't even walk to Jack's house without someone ging with me?" Matt asked "Because #1 Jack is Ambers brother and if you ask to go over there I'm already going over there to hang out with Amber or something #2 you're only in 7th grade and reason #3 I'm 16 and a Senior in High School not a 7th grader." I answered sticking my toungue out at him. "Mooooom" Matt said. "She's right that's why you cant walk to his house alone." my mom said defending me.
~~~~After Dinner, Still Lucy's POV~~~~
Amber's mom picked her up about a hour and a half after we ate. When she left I went back to my room, grabbed my computer went on the website from History class and tried again. The same thing popped up "No records of Lucy Skylynn Anderson were found please try again" I'm so confused right now. I decided to look up my mom's name to see if I could find myself that way so I typed in Laura Jessica Anderson and her family tree popped up, I started looking for myself. I found my dad (Robert Anderson) and Matt but I can't find myself. "I basicallly found everybody in my family that I know of except me, does that seem weird to you? cause it seems weird to me." I finish explaining to Amber on the phone. "That does seem a little weird I doesn't make any sense. It kinda seems like there's something your parents aren't telling you." she said. "Right I mean I have Brown hair, Blue eyes. They have Blonde hair, Brown eyes. It doesn't make any sense" I said
~~~~Next Day At School~~~~Amber's POV~~~~
Last night Lucy called me it was like 1:30 in the morning and I was sleeping but she was clearly wide awake. She said something about finding everyone in her family but her, she was really confused. so was I though I mean how do you find every single person in your family except yourself? It doesn't make any sense.
A/N sorry for not having my next chapter up, I'm working on it right now though. I wanted to make this a longer fanfic/story so i changed a few things in this chapter and added a little bit in the last chaper I promise I will have the next chapter up as soon as I can thanks <3 ~Kay

Living With...the Grier's?!?!?!?!?!?
FanfictionMeet Lucy Anderson adopted at the age of 2, now 14 years later is curious as of who her biological parents are. Currently living in the state of California, will she get to meet her biological family? Lucy is obsessed and I mean OBSESSED with Magcon...