~~~~Lucy's POV~~~~
Amber came over this morning, we always ride our penny boards to school, unless it's cold out obviously. I;m so happy it's not cold out, I love riding my penny board, especially to school I don't know why, I just do. Anyway we ate our breakfast, which was Reese's Puffs, then I went to my room to get ready for school. My outfit was a Turquoise Skater Skirt, a Floral Crop Top, and my favorite pair of sandals. I ended up curling my hair and doing an Ariana Grande inspired hair look, so it was half up half down, and put a Turquoise bow in my hair. My make-up was simple, eyeliner and mascara with a little bit of Gold eyeshadow. Ambers outfit was a pair of high waisted jean shorts, a Teal crop top, and some White Vans. She straightened her hair, her make-up was just like mine, except her eyeshadow had a tint of Teal in it. When we were finally ready my mom yelled "Are you girls ready yet? You're going to be late if you don't leave right now." "We are coming gosh mom." I yelled back. With that we grabbed our backpacks off my bed and headed downstairs. "Have a good day" My mom said. "We will. Amber can come over today after school right?" I asked beofre leaving the house "If you want her to." My mom replied "K thanks bye." I said quickly and left the house so my mom wouldn't have time to tell me to wait for Matt. Me and Amber got on our penny boards and started skating toward school. "So what's up? I mean with the whole family tree thing." Amber asked I forgot I haven't talked to her since Volleyball Practice, which reminds me we have a game today. "Well I talked to my parents, and they said I was adopted, when I was 2." I said trying not to cry. "Oh my gosh. Lucy I'm so sorry to hear that" Amber said. "It's ok I guess. My parents said they are going to give me my adoption papers today after school. But I forgot we have a game today" I said getting my phone out to text my mom to ask if she could bring my uniform to school for me, since I left it at home cause I forgot we had a game. "Oh yeah we have a game today don't we" Amber said getting out her phone also. Probably for the same reason that I got my phone out for.
~Text Messages L=Lucy M=Lucy's mom, Laura~
L~ Hey ma I forgot we have a Volleyball game today and left my uniform at home, can u bring it to school later
M~ Hi sweetie. Sure what time is ur game
L~ Right after school so I need it before the end of the school day please
M~ Ok. I will bring it asap
L~ Thanks. Ur coming to our game right
M~ Of course
L~ Ok see u later
I decided to text Austin to make sure he remebered our game, He neveer and I mean NEVER missed a single game that we had. Weather it be a Volleyball game, Soccer game, Softball game, or a Basketball game. Amber played Basketball I didn't, but I played everything else when I was younger.
~Text Messgaes L=Lucy A=Austin~
L~ Hey bae, ur coming to our Volleyball game tonight right
A~ Hey bae lol. Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world
L~ Yay! Lol we be cray
A~ Idk what ur talking about. We r 100% sane
L~ Lol this is y we r BFF's <3. C u at school
A~ Lol yusssss. Haha kk byeeeeeee bae, I'll c u in like 5 min <3
We finally got to school, when we got to school we were greeted at the door by Austin, he meets us there every day, he's so sweet. Wait what am I thinking, he's been my best friend since well pretty much since we were born I can't have feelings for him, can I? No Lucy stop he's your best friend you can't like him, but he's so sweet and he cares so much about me and he's such a good friend and he always comes to any of our games and he's kinda good looking.
A/N Sorry guys I didn't update Friday, I had a lot going on. Anyway TYSM for reading. Hope u enjoy. Comment what u think so far <3 ~Kay

Living With...the Grier's?!?!?!?!?!?
FanfictionMeet Lucy Anderson adopted at the age of 2, now 14 years later is curious as of who her biological parents are. Currently living in the state of California, will she get to meet her biological family? Lucy is obsessed and I mean OBSESSED with Magcon...