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Item#: 1730

Containment Class: neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: A circular perimeter has been established 2km from SCP-1730, and a quarantine zone has been established 1km from SCP-1730. Personnel who are to enter SCP-1730 must first undergo Class VII Hazardous Contact preparation measures, including the application of a modified "Maxwell-Harden" hazardous material reinforced airtight suit. The application of these protective measures may only take place at the Provisional Site-23 quarantine main gate.

Individuals attempting to exit the quarantined area must first submit to thorough decontamination protocols as administered by the quarantine security staff. Individuals failing to meet the quarantine extraction parameters are to be held for further decontamination or, in the event decontamination becomes unfeasible, termination.

Containment Update ██/██/████: Dangerous biological and cognitohazardous entities have resulted in high casualties of security rescue teams. Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" has been assigned to all current exploration efforts.

Containment Update ██/██/████: Due to the events detailed in Exploration Log 7, all future exploration of SCP-1730 has been suspended indefinitely, pending Overseer approval.

Containment Update 02/01/2016: Due to information gathered by Foundation surveillance teams, exploration and recovery efforts into Site-13 are no longer indefinitely suspended. Details will be available on a need-to-know basis. Assigned Mobile Task Force units will be alerted by their superior officers.

Containment Update 05/15/2017: Mobile Task Forces Apollo-3 "Game Wardens" and Tau-5 "Samsara" are activated, and assigned to exploration of SCP-1730. See Addendum 1730.8 for details.

Containment Update 06/22/2017: Due to the events detailed in Addendum 1730.9, SCP-1730 has been reclassified as NEUTRALIZED. Additional research efforts are ongoing. Debriefing reports will become available as they are declassified.

Description: SCP-1730 is a large complex of structures 15km northwest of the US/Mexico border within Big Bend Ranch State Park that was discovered on June 5th, ████. Due to the isolated nature of the complex, and the low survival rate of individuals who come in contact with it, it is possible that SCP-1730 had been previously discovered but unreported.

SCP-1730 bears identifying markings and contains documents to support the claim that SCP-1730 was at one point Foundation Site-13, originally located near Nome, Alaska. This conflicts with current records, which show that Site-13 was a project that, while intended to be constructed in Nome, was scrapped for the larger and more advanced Site-19 and never completed. Flora located on-site have been traced back to those native to the Alaskan region. How SCP-1730 came to be at its current location is unknown.

The SCP-1730 power station.

SCP-1730 is in a severe state of disrepair, and appears to have been left abandoned for an extended period of time. The site power generator has continued to operate in a damaged state, despite a number of fuel leaks and fires throughout the facility. This has resulted in intermittent power failures throughout the site, hindering exploration and rescue efforts.

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