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Item #: SCP-2761

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2761 is currently stored in a lead-lined Class-B Semi-Aquatic containment unit in Site-71. Clearance for SCP-2761 research is available to Level 2 personnel and higher; research of SCP-2761 genetics is limited to Level 3 personnel and above. Though carnivorous, SCP-2761 must be supplied a steady diet of fruit to minimize the carcinogen output in its waste. As such, Site-71 personnel assigned to SCP-2761 must set aside time to restock food supplies every week.

Description: SCP-2761 is a genetic hybrid species that has undergone multiple physical mutations since its containment in 2005. It initially possessed amphibious and piscine traits similar to those of species found within the Florida Everglades (Where it was originally discovered), but has since developed more reptilian features. As of May 13, 2016, SCP-2761 measures twelve meters in length and resembles a large, hunchbacked bipedal alligator with a mouth structure similar to that of Carcharhinus leucas (Bull shark). SCP-2761 possesses a notably yellow skin coloration, a petaled, flexible "frill" that can conceal and protect its face, and constantly exudes a scent described as smelling like "overripe bananas."

Additionally, SCP-2761 possesses bio-hazardous blood. At least 32 known genetic carcinogens and dozens of known hazardous bacteria strains including Clostridium tetani, E.coli, and Streptococcus are present; it appears its gut flora also constantly produces even more of the former. However, instead of causing SCP-2761 harm, it appears these compounds and bacteria are beneficial for it, inciting even further mutations over time; strangely, despite all the mutations SCP-2761 has undergone, it has never shown signs of any cancers or tumors.

SCP-2761 cells each possess an extremely large nucleus, with the genomes containing hundreds of spliced genes from other various species. Apart from its primary genome, the nuclei also contain at least 68 other unaltered sets of DNA from various species; these unaltered genomes have never shown signs of major mutation, despite SCP-2761's blood being full of mutagens. Instead of breaking down and causing major long-term health problems, SCP-2761's genome will rapidly rearrange and replace lost segments with DNA from the unaltered genomes, inciting SCP-2761's gradual changes in physical appearance. It is possible that SCP-2761 can somehow absorb and express these genomes through the organisms it eats.

Addendum 2761-1: Investigation into SCP-2761 uncovered information pertaining to a company known as "Aquagene", a pet storefront that sells heavily genetically modified aquarium fish. Their selection is primarily made up of fish that exhibit color patterns not seen in their natural species, such as bioluminescence and exotic color themes. SCP-2761 was apparently part of a set of prototypes for their next installment "Scenty Fruit FishTM." Below is an interview of Dr. Pearl Watkins (29), and Dr. Marcus Nakamura (41), two employees and genetic scientists at Aquagene.

Interviewed: Dr. Pearl Watkins and Dr. Marcus Nakamura

Interviewer: Researcher Matthew Liu

Foreword: The purpose of this interview was to obtain information on SCP-2761, and possible motive behind its creation. Dr. Watkins and Dr. Nakamura were brought to an office near Site-71 for questioning, under the guise of an EPA questioning.
<Begin Log, 1320>

Researcher Liu: Dr. Watkins, Mr. Nakamura.

Dr. Watkins: (Sighs.) Hello, sir.

Dr. Nakamura: Sir.

Researcher Liu: My name is Matthew Liu; I'm an agent with the EPA. I assume you know why you're both here?

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