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Item #: SCP-5002

Object Class: Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: The remains of SCP-5002 are to be held in a secure body tray in the Site-06 morgue. A further autopsy may be requested on the authority of the Department of Analytics.

All materials associated with SCP-5002 are to remain in secure storage until approved for disposal.

Description: An investigation into the death of SCP-5002 is ongoing. Further information in relation to SCP-5002, including records of the investigation to date, are available only to personnel with appropriate clearance.

SCP-5002 was a "Type Green" reality-bending humanoid known as Emma Hastings. According to United Kingdom government records, SCP-5002 was born in 1978, and resided in Tewkesbury, England. SCP-5002 was self-employed as an author of detective fiction, and had published 10 novels through Joffe Books.

When SCP-5002 re-read a published copy of one of its own works, the events described in that text would occur in reality. Actual events would transpire in parallel with the narrative, with some altered details (for example, names, dates and locations) but a similar overall sequence of events. SCP-5002 claimed to be unaware of the anomaly before commencement of Foundation containment and testing.

Foundation specialists detected the correspondence between UK police reports and works by SCP-5002 in January 2017, before public awareness of the anomaly. SCP-5002 was taken into Foundation custody in February 2017, and was contained in a standard humanoid containment cell in Wing G of Site-06.

On 14 December 2019, at approximately 7:00am, SCP-5002 was discovered in bed, deceased. The containment cell was locked, and no evidence of forced entry was found. Electronic records from the Wing G Security Station confirm that that door was not unlocked at any stage over the preceding 12 hours, and the cell's security cameras recorded only SCP-5002 in the cell during that period. Site-wide security reports showed that the Scranton Reality Anchors installed in Wing G remained operational during this period.

Agent Ellen O'Connor, of the Department of Analytics, was instructed to conduct an investigation into the neutralisation of SCP-5002.

Investigation Records:

SCP-5002 Investigation Update Presentation

Date: 16 December 2019

Location: Site-06, Wing G Common Room


Agent Ellen O'Connor – Department of Analytics
Dr. Karen Yau – Senior Researcher, Site-06
Michael Simpson – Junior Researcher, Site-06
Officer Joseph Lowry – Security Officer, Wing G
Dr. Nadine Grossenbacher – Chief Medical Officer and Pathologist, Site-06
Director Evelyn May – Site Director, Site-06
D-4986 – D-Class Personnel, Wing G

<recording commences>

Director May: Ladies and Gentlemen, please. Agent O'Connor, go ahead.

Agent O'Connor: Thank you, Site Director, everyone. I appreciate you taking time out of your day.

D-4986: Huh.

Officer Lowry: Shut it, you!

J-R Simpson: Yeah, why is he here? He didn't come to yesterday's update.

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