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Item #: SCP-2113

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2113 is stored on a raised platform in custom Underground Containment Chamber B-08 at Bio-Site 66. Underground Containment Chamber B-08 is accessed through two entrances; corridor B-08, accessed via floor B2 of Site-66's main building, or via elevator installed in Outbuilding A-11, which was constructed on the surface above the chamber. Corridor B-08 extends directly from the main building to UCC B-08, and allows for uninterrupted travel directly to the observation lab.

UCC B-08 measures 10 metres to each side and is situated at a depth of 90 metres underground. The observation lab sits at 5 metres above the floor level of the chamber, with a glass wall permitting observation of the item and entity.

SCP-2113-01 appears to be restricted to the immediate area around SCP-2113. It may occasionally pass through physical barriers in its containment, but a breach has been deemed highly unlikely at this time.

Description: SCP-2113 is the collective fragments of an incomplete fossilized skull, identified as belonging to a member of the species Liopleurodon ferox, an aquatic pliosaurid apex predator that existed during the Jurassic period. The specimen was recovered in a damaged state, with a majority of fossil fragments embedded in a stone matrix with a combined weight of 133 kilograms. The remainder of the skeleton could not be located during SCP-2113's excavation, despite efforts by paleontological teams scouring the area over eight months following initial recovery.

SCP-2113-01 is a large, insubstantial entity measuring six to eight metres long, closely associated with SCP-2113. It is actively mobile and faintly luminescent, with an oblong shape that tapers to a blunt point near its front. Its behavior is erratic; while normally relatively docile, the entity has repeatedly displayed outbursts of violent activity resulting in mild telekinetic activity and electromagnetic disturbance throughout Site 66. SCP-2113-01 has not yet proven capable of physically manipulating its surroundings in a direct manner.

Mental Effects: When in a docile state and approached by a human, SCP-2113-01 will vanish and not reappear until a period of time has passed, usually lasting between four and nine hours. Mild electromagnetic activity and temperature changes will often occur in the general vicinity of SCP-2113-01's most recent location, the occurrence of which is inconsistent between events. These disappearances are not considered to be containment breaches, due to the entity's predictability in remaining near SCP-2113.

Sporadically, SCP-2113-01 will become aggressive towards living biological entities approaching its containment. When in an aggressive state, SCP-2113-01 will remain suspended still in the air for periods of twenty minutes to two hours at a time, moving rapidly to 'bite' prey targets that it detects within ten metres of its location. Due to its non-physical nature, SCP-2113-01 has in the past shown capable of moving through physical barriers to reach its targets. It has never been seen to travel more than 100 metres from SCP-2113.

Targets 'bitten' by SCP-2113-01 report immediate visual, aural, and tactile hallucinations, which typically last for a period of fifteen to twenty minutes. Additionally, they often experience severe depersonalization and dysphoria, which fade over the course of seven to twelve days. Victims are usually rendered near-catatonic for the duration of this initial effect.

Experiences are relatively consistent between victims, with a majority reporting that they found themselves existing as a large animal (presumably ) within a warm aquatic environment. Various activities have been reported, including, but not restricted to, hunting, territorial disputes with other large predatory fauna, and intentional beaching for an unknown reason; individuals with no prior knowledge of Jurassic ecology have accurately described the appearance of various flora and fauna appearing in their particular hallucinations.

Victims of this hallucinatory effect universally describe a visceral disconnect from their self, and how they feel as if they are the animal through which these hallucinations are experienced. In most cases, victims in the early stages of recovery exhibit profound confusion and lack of coordination. Rehabilitation is gradual but usually successful, with all past victims of this effect having reached a full recovery within sixty days after the encounter. Interviewees have vividly described the instinctive nature of the experiences, as well as specific physical and emotional sensations consistent across events.

Atypical Incident - ██/██/████: On ██/██/████, SCP-2113-01 passed through the bulkhead of the observation lab and attacked Researcher Grier before vanishing for seventy three minutes. Mr Grier was rendered unconscious and could not be roused for two hours sixteen minutes, at which point he became conscious but catatonic. He was put under secure observation for several days, during which he lapsed into brief periods of unconsciousness at irregular intervals. Eleven days after the initial attack, he regained a measure of lucidity, and promptly volunteered an account of his experience. A transcribed log will not be provided here, due to the length and disorganized nature of his account.

Researcher Grier's experience was markedly divergent from the established pattern. While initially set underwater and through the eyes of the animal (as expected), he proceeded to describe a vague event, in which the 'water [was] singing and cracking' and that his 'bones were... scraped off'. He then described in detail a series of sensations throughout his body, as it was buried by sediment and remained in place for 'an impossible [length of] time' and that he 'was there until after the desert (?) was gone'. It is believed that these sensations (described, among other things, as 'hardening' or a 'hard numb', enunciation was unclear) corresponded to the fossilization process that led to the creation of SCP-2113. The nature of the other described event involving 'singing and breaking/cracking water' is as of yet unknown, but is hypothesized to have contributed to the creation of SCP-2113-01.

Approximately forty minutes after returning to consciousness, Researcher Grier underwent cardiac arrest brought on by persistent exhaustion and physiological stress. No other victim of SCP-2113-01's effect has undergone an event like his.

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