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Item #: SCP-502

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-502 is to be secured in a keypad locked steel fire cabinet in the medical suites at SITE-65. The key code is to be changed on a bi-weekly basis for security reasons. Senior medical staff on site will have knowledge of the key code, as will at least three other on site personnel of Level 3 or higher clearance.

Description: SCP-502 was obtained from the Doniphan County Coroner's office in Troy, Kansas in 1998. It was discovered by local coroner ███ ██████ during a routine autopsy of a Jared Thomas McIntyre following his death in a motorcycle collision. SCP-502 was located in the space that should have been occupied by the deceased's heart and was attached to his pulmonary and circulatory systems. SCP-502 was later retrieved by SCP agents after TAKING began circulating questions about the box.

When unlabeled SCP-502 has the appearance of an off-white cardboard container with dimensions of 9.75cm x 9.75cm x 7.73cm with a removable lid measuring 9.95cm x 9.95cm x 1.34cm. The thickness of the cardboard at all locations is exactly 0.10cm. There are no visible seams on the corners or edges of the box or lid, nor any interior reinforcements. When initially recovered the item had the word 'Heart' written on it in cursive handwriting in what appeared to be blue ink and had holes in the sides and back that approximated the insertion points of the Vena Cava, Aorta, and Pulmonary arteries and veins, as well as internal divisions that resembled the chambers of the heart.

When an appropriate organ name is written on the lid of SCP-502 it slowly rearranges itself into a crude approximation of that organ. If a second organ name is written on the lid, the first name written will disappear within 20 minutes, at which time rearrangement to the new configuration will begin. If all names are erased from the lid the standard size will be adopted. If SCP-502 is surgically implanted in a human subject while labeled as an organ and appropriately attached to the relevant organ systems it will function in a manner identical to the organ.

Testing has determined that SCP-502 will only function under certain circumstances. The subject to receive a replacement organ must be a living human and must be missing the organ before SCP-502 is introduced to the subject's body. If any of these conditions are not met, the replacement organ will either be rejected or will not function at all.

Following extensive testing, it has been decided by O5-3 that due to SCP-502's potential life saving capabilities it will be kept in storage and is only to be implanted into a human in case of a life-threatening injury to any Director, or in emergency situations with approval of any Director to lower level staff or civilians that must be kept alive temporarily to assist in SCP related information gathering or containment. In case of SCP-502 being used to sustain any individual other than a Director, the subject is to be terminated as soon as is feasible and SCP-502 is to be returned to storage.

Addendum: For testing procedures, those with Level 3 Clearance should see documents #502-1 and #502-2.

Document #502-1: Test Log for initial test phase of SCP-502

5/18/9█: Lid of box reads 'Heart' at beginning of testing. 'Lung,' 'Liver,' 'Pancreas,' and 'Eye' are written on the lid one at a time. On each occasion the previously written word faded from view over a period of time ranging from five minutes eleven seconds to a maximum of eighteen minutes four seconds. After this the exterior dimensions and interior design of SCP-502 slowly changed to accommodate the respective organ. When 'Skin' is written on the lid, SCP-502 flattened to 1.6cm in thickness and continued to expand in length and width until researchers were forced to erase the word with acetone and allow the box's dimensions to return to default.

5/23/19: Organ names are written on the lid in a variety of mediums including ink, graphite, oil paint, water-based paint, crayon, blood, and permanent marker. All functioned, although easily erased or damaged mediums often resulted in SCP-502 reverting to its standard size when the word was damaged.

6/17/19: Organ names are written on the lid in Latin, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Esperanto, and █████. SCP-502 showed no reaction except in cases where the organ name was identical in spelling to the English name.

Document #502-2: Test Log for live testing in subjects 502-01 through 502-06

Subject 502-01: Class D subject chosen due to diagnosed renal failure. 'Kidney' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. One of the subject's kidneys is surgically removed. After successful implantation Subject 502-01's urinalysis shows an improvement in renal function satisfactory for a healthy individual. SCP-502 is recovered after Subject's standard monthly termination.

Subject 502-02: Class D subject with full renal function. 'Kidney' still written on box lid from previous test. One of the subject's kidneys is surgically removed. After successful implantation Subject 501-02's urinalysis shows renal function equivalent to that of a healthy individual. SCP-502 is recovered after Subject's standard monthly termination.

Subject 502-03: Class D subject who died in custody due to cardiac failure. 'Heart' is written on lid and time allowed for rearrangement. SCP-502 is successfully implanted and attached to the pulmonary and circulatory systems, but results in no function or reanimation.

Subject 502-04: Class D subject with no known medical issues. 'Gills' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. Subject's lungs are removed while on life support machinery and replaced with SCP-502, but proper attachment could not be finalized and subject dies during surgery.

Subject 502-05: Adult Labrador retriever suffering from hepatic failure. 'Liver' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. Subject's liver is removed and replaced with SCP-502. However, the SCP is rejected in under 24 hours and subject dies.

Subject 502-06: Class D subject with history of mental illness due to a diagnosed brain tumor. 'Brain' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. Subject's brain is removed while on life support machinery and replaced with SCP-502. Upon waking from anesthesia Subject 502-06 [DATA EXPUNGED]. Two medical staff and three Level 2 security personnel are injured and Subject 502-06 is killed by small arms fire during hostilities to prevent further danger to staff. SCP-502 recovered during autopsy. Further live testing halted while [DATA EXPUNGED] recorded during this incident are being analyzed.

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