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Item #: SCP-5000

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5000 is to be kept in a deactivated state within a standard storage unit located at Site-22. All files and intelligence retrieved from SCP-5000 are to be stored on a secure server, with backups available upon request from the Archival Department.

Description: SCP-5000 is a non-functional mechanical suit identified within its internal schematics as an 'Absolute Exclusion Harness' designed by the SCP Foundation. Although SCP-5000 is believed to have once possessed a number of anomalous functions intended to protect and benefit its occupant, damage inflicted to it in the past means that it is currently only capable of basic file storage. For a record of files contained within SCP-5000 upon recovery, see Archive 5000-1.

SCP-5000 first appeared in a flash of light within 's containment chamber at Site-62C on 12/04/2020, containing a corpse genetically identical to Foundation employee Pietro Wilson. Pietro Wilson is currently employed at , and mnestic therapy has confirmed he has no knowledge of SCP-5000 or memories concerning the events detailed within its archives.

Archive 5000-1:


My name is Pietro Wilson. I don't know what's happening. I think I might be the only one left.

The date is um oh two oh one twenty twenty (sorry thought transcription is tricky (sorry im not used to this yet um)). The date is 02/01/2020. I've just. I have just escaped from Exclusionary Site-06. I think ... I'm not certain, but I think everyone else is dead. Those guys, they were thorough. If I hadn't got to the suit, I'd be ... oh god.


I need to get myself together or this thing isn't going to be legible at all. Most likely they're going to want some kind of record of this whole incident for posterity.

I'm currently on my way to the nearest Foundation installation - a small safe-house for Agents making their way through this part of the country. Most likely there won't be anyone there, but I should be able to get into contact with my superiors and find out what exactly is going on.

Things started around six, maybe seven hours ago. A group identifying themselves as Mobile Task Force Zeta-19 ("Lonely Only") - Insurgent infiltrators, maybe? - entered the Site, they had proper identification and everything, and gathered everyone into the canteen. Then they started the shooting.

Jesus, I ... I can still taste the blood. I can't get that awful metal taste off my tongue. It's a miracle I didn't get hit or trampled on, the way people were climbing over each other to get out of there. If I hadn't gotten to the Exclusion Harness, I'd be dead. No doubt about it - like I said, they were thorough.

I'm a technician for the power grid on ES-06, so I don't fully get how this thing works, but I understand the basics. This perception filter thing doesn't mean people can't see me, but it does mean they can't recognize the fact that they can see me. Which I guess is the same thing when you get down to it.

But those infiltrators ... they didn't even take anything, didn't even try to. I watched after I got into this thing - I was too scared (fucking coward) to make a run for it. They just checked the bodies and left. An extra bullet for every head.

They were just there to kill us.


Finally made it to the safe-house after hours and hours of trudging through this goddamn desert. Heard a few explosions in the distance - maybe the Foundation sent an MTF to engage those infiltrators before they got away? Hope so.

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