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"Mew!" Gulf tried calling but he walked into his house and closed the door.

Gulf felt dejected and walked into his house. He slept for hours before his mother called him to go down.

"Gulfie, I made chocolate cake!" Mae spoke with enthusiasm.

"Thanks Mae!" Gulf was about to sit down to eat but his mom shooed him away.

"I cut four slices and have packed them separately. Give them to Mew's grandparents and him. Then take one for you and eat it with him. Help him take care of Fai!" His mother handed him 4 packs.


"No excuse! Now, off you go."

Gulf reluctantly went out of his house to Mew's and rang the bell.

"Hi!" An elderly lady welcomed him warmly.

"Sawadee Krab!" Gulf replied with a sunny smile.

"Such a sweet boy!" She patted his head once they settled down on the sofa.

"Where is Mew?" Gulf asked.

"He is upstairs, in his room. Go ahead or do you want me to show you?" Grandma asked.

"No thankyou! I will find it."

Gulf walked upstairs with 2 packs of chocolate caks in his hand. There was only a single room connected with the balcony at the left most end.

He walked to the door and knocked twice.

"Yai, Fai was sleeping." Mew said while opening the door and he was shocked to see Gulf.

"Let me in?" Gulf asked after standing on the spot for about 5 minutes.

"Umm, yeah!" Mew held the door open for him to enter.

Gulf looked around the room to see that it was clean. The bed covers were straightened out and nothing was dirty. Everything was in order.

"Nice room!" Gulf commented.

"Thanks!" Mew was cold.

"Is Fai sleeping?"

"Hmm!" Something stirred within Mew on hearing the name.

Gulf handed him the chocolate cake and fished 2 spoons from his back pocket.

"Thanks!" Mew seemed pretty dull. They sat on the couch while eating silently.

"Why did you not agree with Bright's plan?" Gulf asked breaking the silence.

"I don't want to." Mew shrugged his shoulder.


"I don't know!" Mew seemed cold and distant.

"What the heck is wrong with you!" Gulf had lost his patience.


"Why are you acting this distant and cold all of a sudden?"

"I am just bring myself."

"Okay! I am done with your lies. If you can tell me the real problem, then we will work together in this or else, I will somehow change us from being paired together."

"Okay, let's change our pairs!" Mew said not knowing how much it broke Gulf's heart.

Gulf walked out of the room and walked out of the house without being noticed by Mew's Grandparents.

The rain was harsh. Gulf walked through the rain and got his bike keys before going out into his garage to take his bike out.

"Gulf, what are you doing?" Mae was shocked to see Gulf taking his bike.

"Bye Mae!" That's all Gulf said before he spreed out into the rain in his bike. He didn't even wear a helmet.

"Oh no!" Gulf's Mae rushed to Mew's house all wet by the rain.

Grandma opened the door and called Mew down to talk to her.

"What is it Mae?" Mew asked shocked to see her wet and cold.

"Gulf! Did something happen?" Mae  asked and Mew remained silent.

"What happened, dear?" Grandma asked while petting Gulf's Mae's back.

"He drove away on his bike in the rain." Mae answered.

"He is a strong boy. Nothing will happen!" Grandma reassured.

"He stopped driving 3 years ago. He is very scared to drive due to an accident. I think that something made him sad and angry. That is why he took the bike." Mae sobbed into Grandma's shoulder.

"Don't worry Mae, I will go for him!" Mew grabbed his purse and mobile before rushing off to the bike.

He took off the bike and tried to find any clue of where Gulf went. After about 15 minutes of driving at high speed, he could see a bike ahead.

He rushed to the side of it to find Gulf on it. On noticing Mew, Gulf drove faster but Mew was a better driver and overtook Gulf. Gulf had no option but to stop.

Mew got out of his bike and rushed to Gulf who got out and ran into another direction. Mew followed Gulf.

Mew finally got hold of Gulf's hand and hugged his waist from behind.

"Why?" Mew asked.

"Leave me!" Gulf said through tears.

The rain was heavy and a light blow of thunder caught his attention. Mew could feel Gulf go limp in his hands.

He quickly carried an unconscious Gulf, bridal style and walked to his bike. Opening the seat, he took out the shawl he had in there.

Mew adjusted Gulf and himself in such a way that Gulf's stomach was tied close to Mew's back while driving in the bike. Gulf laid his head on Mew's shoulder unconsciously.

Mew didn't want to go home with Gulf in such a condition. Thus, he drove to an Inn that was owned by his friend.

On getting a room, he changed Gulf's wet clothes and put on fresh and warm ones on him. He himself changed too.

Mew felt Gulf having a fever and got the tablets from the infirmary in the hotel.

"Gulf, eat this tablet." Mew tried to wajd him up.

Finally, Mew decided to give him the tablet when he is unconscious. He sat on the bed beside Gulf and gently moved Gulf onto his body.

Gulf was now unconsciously propped upon his lap and his head resting on Mew's chest. Mew rested his chin on Gulf's head.

Mew slowly pulled Gulf's lower lip down and put the tablet in. As soon as this was done, he poured in some water.

On feeling that Gulf would spit it out, Mew carefully squeezed his nose shut after which Gulf successfully swallowed it.

Mew tried to move Gulf back to the bed but Gulf turned his body and held onto Mew's shoulders. Giving up, Mew pulled the blanket over both of them and hugged Gulf tight to warm him up.

Mew called his Grandma and informed her about the occurrences which was then relayed to Gulf's Mae.

Mew fell into a deep slumber with Gulf in his arms.

Kiss You Till You Drop (Incomplete Chaps) Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now