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Gulf, Win and Saint were walking out in the shopping mall on their day off. They were always together.

Gulf and Mew stayed at a villa which was next to Win and Bright's and opposite to the villa of Saint and Zee. They used to hangout every weekend.

"I think she us in labour!" Win said while pointing to a pregnant lady who seemed to be in pain.

"Let's help!" Gulf and Saint walked to her while Win went to take the car.

"I am in labour, please help." The lady barely whispered on seeing them.

Gulf and Saint lifted her slowly and took her to the hospital in their car.

The lady was rushed in to the labour room. After about half an hour of waiting, babies crying was heard.

"Anyone of the patient?" A nurse came out from the room.

"One of you please cone in." She continued.

Gulf nodded at the others and walked into the room after wearing the scrubs.

"She is critical and I don't think she will make it. She requested to talk to you." The doctor said and went out of the room giving them space to talk.

"I- I am Viola! I am an orphan and unmarried." She started with a small smile while holding his hand.

On hearing her words, Gulf tilted his head in confusion.

"I was a victim to rape. That is why." She said.

"Can I do anything to help you?" Gulf asked her in a soft tone.

"Please leave my children in good hands. I beg you. You shall always be blessed." She said and Gulf nodded with tears in his eyes.

"I will make sure to do that. They will be brought up with love and care. I will tell them about their lovely mother." Gulf said.

"Thankyou, I will look over you and my children with their family. Your other half is luck to ha-" Her hands no longer held his. Her hands fell limp on the bed.

She left to another place. She left him with her children.

Gulf walked out of the labour room to see his friends. After telling them about everything that happened, they felt a deep sorrow too.

The nurses came with 3 children. One boy and 2 girls. A boy was handed to Saint while Win and Gulf held a girl each.

The recieved permission from the doctor to take the baby home for the day after which the transfer of the babies would be done. It was easy to get the babies home because Gulf worked as the psychologist in the hospital.

The 3 of them asked their husbands to meet them in the park.

"Why did you call us all of a sudden?" Mew asked after reaching the park with the other 2.

Win, Saint and Gulf shared the story and pain was evident in all eyes.

"Can we take care of them?" The 3 of them asked together. This was planned.

Mew, Zee and Bright were shocked.

"I mean, please! Even if you guys don't allow, I am going to live near these kids and see them grow." Gulf said.

"From when did you start to take care of babies?" Mew asked.

"Since the day I accepted the responsibility of a big baby named Mew."

The rest of them laughed.

"I seriously think that we should look after them. It would be better to keep the triplets together. If we take care of one each, they will be together and this story shall be said to them once they grow." Win suggested.

"I agree with the 2 of them." Saint said while hugging the baby boy.

"I don't think any of us would mind." Mew said while walking towards the baby and Gulf.

"I don't!" Zee said and Bright nodded in agreement.

"So we are keeping them and watching them grow." Zee said.

"The names?" Win asked.

"I would name her Angelin. That's my favourite name." Bright said and Win smiled in acknowledgement.

"Tine!" Zee and Saint said together.

Gulf just looked at Mew.

"Name her! A name you like." Gulf said indicating Mew to not chose the name of his ex.

"Violin!" Mew said.

"She sure will be strong like her mother." Gulf said with a smile.

The couples were no longer a duo instead they were trios each.

The End


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