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Life's a bitch, I'll tell you that. But sometimes life is also just a female dog.

But sometimes; and just sometimes- life is a rational human being.

Then life turns into a bitch again, and the cycle continues.

So hi, I'm Morgan, Morgan Johnson. I know nothing about you but I can tell you this: we're not friends.

We're strangers; stranded on an island and the only way to leave is by teamwork.

I don't believe in teamwork. I believe in nothing, anymore. But my therapist believes that through writing; I'll find consolation.

Fuck his ass.

Consolation this shit.

But I'm not getting out of this room, and the only way I am is to write away my problems.

I find what I'm about to do extremely difficult as I'll fly through my stupid emotions again.

So know; 2:30pm in California, Evans street, On the third floor of a poorly designed, narrow, dark and rusty building, I'm going to write.

Write my fucking troubles away.

I've got nothing to say except...

P R O M P T 0 1: In which your character decides to just give up - because they can't help but do stupid things.

I know you can't literally "see," that the character has given up, but; by reading the prologue I'm sure you get what I'm saying.

Morgan is my messed up kiddie :) I love her name though. Don't you?

Dedicated to @backfires because she is the Senpai of this challenge.

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