Chapter 10~~ unpacking

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3rd POV

As soon as Y/n and Sero walked in they were greeted by a pissed off caterpillar and curious classmates.

"I couldn't find my dorm or my roommate so I got pissed, left and I just let tape boi tag along." Y/n shrugged still holding onto the plushie.

Sensei Aiwaza face palmed and sighed. "You and Karminari are roommates and your room number is 184, your lucky we have that tracker on you."

Y/n shot a glare at Karminari. "Are you fucking SERIOUS!" Y/n shouted.

"I couldn't find my roommate either but since  you did say room 188, I didn't think that you were." Karminari shrugged.

"I can walk there with you if you want me to." Karminari offered.

"Sorrg but I'll kindly decline." Y/n said walking off.

In ten seconds y/n was walking back to the lounge.

"KARMINARI I CAN'T FIND THE FUCKING ELEVATOR!!!" he then shouted, making some classmates including Karminari laugh.

"Coming." He replied walking towards y/n.


Pikachu and I stood in a comfortable silence in the elevator.

"What a cute plushie, where'd you get it from? He asked.

"Oh tape boi got for me." I said squeezing it.

"Oh ok cool,  why were you at the pharmacy?" He asked pointing at the bag in my hand.

"Y'know, alcohol, bandages and stuff for incase something happens." I replied.

It was just silence from that point.

Time skip~

"I...bought all this shit for nothing." I grumbled looking at all my belongings, tossing the bag of pills and alcohol to the side.

"Why do you say that?" Pikachu asked.

"The whole reason I bought those was because I thought I would've never find my dorm room." I replied going into my room to unpack, closing the door behind me.

I really didn't have anything than a box filled with medications, my art supplies and sketch book that came from my prison cell. Fortunately I have a summoning ability, so getting shit to decorate the room was no biggy.

 Fortunately I have a summoning ability, so getting shit to decorate the room was no biggy

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"Hey y/n- wow, where did you get all of this." Pikachu asked looking around the room.

"Magic!" I replied with jazz hands.

"Does it have something to do with your quirk." He asked touching things.

I slapped his hand before it could've touch one of my paintings.

"Hm your not as dumb as you display yourself to be." I smirked.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He replied in a sudden husky voice.

His body slowly inched closer to mine and I stood there arms crossed with a smug look on my face.

Before I can retort, I was rudely interrupted by a knock on our door.

"Oi! You've up here for fifteen minutes now, Sensei Aiwaza isn't going to wait long."  Bakuhoe shouted from the other side.

Pikachu then jumped away from me. "We'll be right there!" He replied, grabbing me by the hand.

"C'mon y/n." He cheerfully chirped pulling my to the common area.

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