Chapter 40~ ze plan

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We ran back out home room class to check on Hakagure, Ojiro, and Mono to see that they were all fine.

"I think we should hide them." Jiro suggested giving Momo a longing look.

"But where?" Tokoyami asked.

"Maybe in the abandoned part of UA." Todoroki said nonchalantly.

"Good idea Todo-kun!" Midoriya said making Todoroki look away although I'm pretty sure he was blushing.

"Alright." I said already picking up the tube with Ojiro in it as everyone but my friends looked at me in amazement.

Victor sighed picking up the one with Momo in it.

Even though his quirk can cause quite a lot of trouble it some advantage such as his immense strength, he can probably lift a house is he wanted to.

"Bring your ass Adam." Victor said following me out of the door.

Adam rolled his eyes and picked up Hakagure.

Not gonna lie, in our universe we are totally weak, we can barely lift a fucking chair.


After putting the three other UA students in a abandoned classroom, we went to another room so that if anything happen they there unconscious kids won't get caught up.

"So what's your dimension like?" Midoriya asked.

"Ah well first of all we don't have quirks there's no heroes, villains, nadda of that shit." Oliver said getting comfortable in the ground.

" So who protect you guys from evil forces? " Midoriya asked taking out his note book.

"The police duh." Victor replied rolling his eyes.

" besides the only thing we needed to be protected from are those good forsaken Karens. " Olive sighed remember his first Karen encounter.

"Is that a gang group or something!" Kirishima asked.

"No, women who are annoyingly entitled, won't ask to speak to your manager if you take a second long to scan their groceries and most importantly they hate wearing mask." Oliver said as he, Victor, and Adam gave Olive a smug look.

"Why is it important to wear a mask?" Uraraka asked.

"There's a world wide pandemic called the Corona virus killing over thousands of people." Adam said

"I don't know why they call it a virus if it's a DAMN BACTERIA!!!" Olive shouted with eye frustrated eyes.

" Jesus Chri-. " Bakugou shouted before being interrupted by the School shaking.

"What was zat?" Aoyama asked with wide eyes.

I then got up and ran towards the nearest window with the class following close behind.

The heroes were locked in a large cage as monster looking creatures lurked the streets.

Some were ugly and terrifying while some were fairly beautiful and fuck-able but not to be trusted.

The four villains looked at everything in victory but the one known as yellow elder smile soon flattered into a frown.

She then looked at me with dangerous glowing blue eyes, causing me to jump.

"Bakusquad, dekusquad, and team gray I need you guys with me, Iida, Tsuyu and the rest go patrol the city and save all those damsel in distress, but Aoyama, Koda, Tokoyami and Shoji keep an eye on the ones in the tubes.

Everyone nodded and left leaving, Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, Victor, Adam, Olive, Oliver and me alone in the classroom.

"Alright we need to come up with a plan." I said taking control.


3rd POV

"Hahaha it's all done hahaha it's finally done!" The young girl laughed holding onto the bars of the cage that trapped the heroes.

"Why are you doing this?" Midnight asked, she was curious to how and why someone this young would cause so much destruction.

"Because I want to be in control, I want to rule all!" she said happily before frowning and smiling again.

"Those brats, they're coming don't let them get to me." Yellow elder said as meet Cheshire's yellow eyes.

"Yes ma'am." Cheshire running off with the twins not to far behind.

Even though the liquid she drank made her strong it was just too much power for her fragile body to handle and if she loses control, she'll most certainly die.


"Okay, Olive, Oliver, Kaminari, Sero and Uraraka, focus on saving the heroes while the rest of distract yellow elder and her goons, Adam I need you to listen to happy music, eat some cake so you can be immune to Cheshire quirk, your the only one who can go up against that one." Y/N said making everyone nod.

"Todoroki your going up against the make twin with the fire breathe, Bakugou and Victor you guys can go up against The collector while Midoriya and I go up against yellow elder." Y/N ordered.

Everyone stared at Y/N I'm silence.

"Dude........ That was so manly."

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