Chapter. 10

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Chapter 10

A month past and Draco and Hermione were the best for each other. Everything was beautiful, very beautiful and perfect, that it scared.

Hermione woke up without the Draco's strong and warm arms around her, she was on a cold and very uncomfortable floor. The door was opened and she had to close her eyes because of the light. "Finally. You're awake."

"Who are you? What do you want?" The man laughed maliciously.

"You really don't recognize me, do you?"

"Ron? Why are you doing this? And where am I? Who else is here?"

"First question, yes, I'm Ron. Second, because you can't be with the ferret, he is not good for you. Third question, we are in the Shrieking Shack and last question, Astoria, you and me."


Draco apparated at Harry and Ginny's house "Who's that?" Harry yelled.

"It's me, Potter. And we don't have time for this. Hermione is gone."

"What do you mean gone?" Draco ran nervously his hand through his hair.

"We were sleeping, I heard a noise, I grabbed my wand but after I could do something, Weasley petrified me and took Hermione I don't know where."

"You mean Ron?" He nodded.

"Well, let's look for her. First, let's look in Ron's house." They apparated there and inspected all the rooms.

They were giving up in that place and were about to leave when Harry found a note. It said:

If you're looking for Hermione. You won't find her. Maybe if you think, you'll find her. But hurry up, it could be very late

"That bastard!" Draco shouted. He grabbed a lamp and threw against the wall.

"We are not going to find Hermione if you broke down Ronald's house."

"I have and idea. Wait here".


Ron entered in Hermione's room and saw her shaking on the floor "Stand up." She didn't answer "Hermione, come on. Stand up." This time she shook her head "I said stand up!" Hermione heard him walking towards her. Ron stood her up grabbing her hair.

"Ron... you are... hurting... me..."

"I told you to stand up and you didn't. Now suffer the consequences... Crucio!" She felt like a lot of knives were sticked in her body. Ron was still grabbing her hair.

Then another Crucio came and couldn't help and fell on the floor screaming. This was worse than when Bellatrix tortured her. Not because it hurt her more, because it was her friend who was doing it. After one more curse, he left. Leaving her with all the pain.


"Harry you're a genius." Harry apparated at his house and grabbed the Marauder's Map, he wasn't sure if Ron was there but it was something. He went back with the others and showed it to them.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map showed every corridor, the secret passages, the Great Hall, all the people in the castle. Every Hogwarts. The looked at the map if they saw Ron or Hermione, but they weren't there. After an hour of looking they stopped "Mischief Managed." Harry said.

Draco sighed and threw himself on the couch. "What are we going to do now?"

"I've already sent an owl to the aurors."

"Harry, what about Grimmauld Place? Ron knows how to enter." Harry though about it.

"Well, if he is there, he is very idiot. But it's a start so... let's go!"


Astoria entered in Hermione's room. Hermione looked who was there, scared because she thought it was Ron "Hermione, Ron left, we don't have a lot of time. I didn't come to hurt you. I know you must hate me, but at least let me heal you. Besides, I brought you food." Astoria kneeled next to Hermione and healed her and gave her the food.


"Take it as an apology from what I did." Hermione shook her head.

"No problem. I'm happy with Draco. But you must feel awful."

"I'm happy for you. But with Ron, since you left him he is not the same. Sometimes, I arrive very late from work and he is waiting me awake. He obliged me to do it a lot of times." Astoria was crying and Hermione hugged her, then they heard footsteps. Astoria wiped away the tears "Pretend to be hurt, like if I were using the Cruciatus Curse." Hermione nodded.

"Astoria? What are you doing here?"

"I was having a little of fun"

"Fine, I can handle it from here" Astoria gave Hermione one last look before leaving.

Ron kneeled next to Hermione and stroked her cheek. She tried to move but before she could do any move, he slapped her. Before leaving, Ron kissed her on the lips very furiously.


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-Mica (Aresto_Momentum)

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