-21- Inseparable

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-21- Inseparable

On Sunday, right after lunch, Zhan and Yibo went to Yibo's parents. Together with his parents, they packed Yibo's belongings and carried them down to Zhan's car. With so many hands, Yibo's stuff was quickly packed and Zhan's car was fully loaded.

After everything was packed, they sat together in the living room of the Wang family, drank coffee and ate cake, before they all went to Zhan's house to help unload and carry the boxes and bags.

And while Yibo's mother couldn't hide her sadness about her youngest son's move-out, Yibo couldn't hide his joy about the move-out. And, at least, every few minutes he had to mention how happy he is to be living with Zhan now. "Mom, stop being so sad. I'm just moving. Think how happy I'll be with ZhanZhan."

"I know, Yibo. And I' m really happy for you, too, because Zhan is a good man. But still, it's not easy for a mother to let her youngest child go."

"Mom, I am 25 years old. Don't always say I am a child."

"But you are a child. You're my little boy, no matter how old you are."

"I'm almost three heads taller than you, so who's little?"

"You know what I mean Yibo!" Yibo's mother replied testily.

Zhan elbowed Yibo in the side as he tried to say something to his mother. Yibo was immediately silent and nodded. "Haha, my future son-in-law has our son well in control." Said Yibo's father laughing.

"I think Zhan's gonna have to discipline Yibo a little bit first because you two spoiled him so much." Said Hai Kuan and laughed too.

"I am not spoiled. And with Zhan, it's completely different. I volunteer to help him with everything." Yibo responded defiantly.

"Yes, because you are in love with him and don't want to get in trouble." Hai Kuan said with a giggle.

The two brothers teased each other one last time before they all went downstairs. Zhan led with his car, Yibo followed on his motorcycle, and Yibo's parents followed in their car with Hai Kuan. They had Yibo's collection of valuable motorcycle helmets with them, from which Zhan was still thinking all the way home about where Yibo could leave them. And finally he decided that Yibo could put them on one of his shelves in the living room. At least until he found another solution.

Back at Zhan's and now Yibo's apartment, in less than an hour everyone unloaded Yibo's belongings and carried them upstairs to the apartment and immediately started unpacking. And just another hour later, all the boxes and bags were unpacked and Yibo's stuff was neatly stored in the wardrobes. They even had a little celebration in the evening with a bottle of champagne and Japanese food they ordered.

When Yibo's family said goodbye, it was almost time to go to bed. But before that, Zhan and Yibo together put the motorcycle helmets on the shelf in the living room. Afterwards, Yibo held Zhan in his arms and said, "From today, you and I are truly inseparable." Shortly thereafter, they went to bed, exhausted from the move, snuggled up together.

The next morning, when Zhan got up together with Yibo, so they could spend some time together before Yibo had to leave for work at the water park, it rained again. And once again Yibo received a message from the manager of the water park that he can stay at home. "ZhanZhan what should I do now? I don't want to be at home alone all day when you're at work."

"Well, you don't have to stay home. You can do something."

"Can't I come with you to your work? Then I can see where you work and meet your colleagues."

"Well, I guess it's okay, as long as you don't disturb anybody at work."

"So can I come with you?"

"Yes, Yibo, you may come with me." Zhan replied.

"And what do we do until then?"

"We'll both have breakfast together, go shopping and then clean up a bit and then it's time to go to work."

"Are you actually afraid of your colleagues' reaction? I mean, because I'm a man?"

" Somehow, no. I know my colleagues and they're very open-minded. I'm sure they'll wonder where I suddenly got a boyfriend, but I don't think any of them would say anything against our relationship."

"Well, all right, then. I don't want you to get in trouble with your colleagues because of me."

"This is coming from the very person who immediately, without any consideration of loss, announced our relationship to his colleagues at a meeting." Zhan replied with a grin.

"About Emily, mostly. But I wanted to tell them too. They should all know what a beautiful boyfriend I have."

"Ha-ha, you again. Come on, let's get breakfast and then go shopping." Said Zhan, throwing a towel at Yibo to dry his hair as it was still dripping after Yibo's short shower.

After breakfast, shopping and cleaning, Zhan and Yibo ate something light for lunch and then made their way to Zhan's work. Zhan was excited at the thought of introducing Yibo as his boyfriend right away. But not because he is uncomfortable about having a boyfriend, but because he is happy to introduce Yibo to them.

When the two of them entered the shop and the colleagues of the early and late shift saw Zhan, they were happy to see him and got big eyes when they saw Yibo with him. "Zhan, who's the handsome guy?" One of his female colleagues whispered.

"Is he still single?" Another one asked while grinning at Yibo.

"He's not. This is Wang Yibo and he's not a single. Because he is my boyfriend." Said Zhan with a pounding heart.

"Not serious, Zhan. Where did you meet him and are there others like him?" His two female colleagues asked him.

Zhan was about to answer when his boss came and greeted Zhan warmly. "I'm glad you're back. I hope you had a good vacation."

"Yes, I did. Thank you." Zhan replied and introduced him to Yibo.

"Wow, you must be an athlete with that build. What do you do for a living?" His boss asked.

"I'm a lifeguard at the water park." Yibo replied a little intimidated when he faced Zhan's boss.

"Lifeguard. That reminds me. We have an upcoming event for kids and teens where they'll be introduced to different professions. Would you like to tell the kids and teens about your profession? It even pays. It's not much, but at least it's something, and a free lunch on top of it." Zhan's boss explained.

"I'd love to, if Zhan agrees." Yibo replied. And all his colleagues looked at him questioningly.

"Sure he can do it, if that's what he wants." Zhan said hastily.

"Then it's settled. And today you want to watch Zhan work?" Zhan's boss asked Curious.

"I'll help him too if I can. Since I can't go to work anyway because of the weather, I can help Zhan with his work a little too. If I may." Yibo replied.

"If you want to, of course. You are always welcome here. Zhan can show you around. And who knows, maybe if you like it here, you could work here part-time." Said Zhan's boss.

"As long as I can be with Zhan, I'm happy to do it." Said Yibo.

Zhan looked at them with a smile. He knew that none of his colleagues would judge him and also that his boss is a very open person. And somehow Zhan had been really proud when he introduced Yibo as his boyfriend. Well, he also enjoyed the jealous looks of his colleagues a little bit.

It's now two weeks since he met Yibo on his first day of vacation at the water park. Due to him and the constant bad weather, not only did Zhan's holiday schedule change, but his holiday got even better.

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