-7- rainy day
The heavy rain that Zhan noticed right away, after his alarm clock rang and he got up, made him first check the website of the water park. There he found, what he had already feared, that the water park would be closed today because of the bad weather. And since the indoor area is closed in summer, this brought Zhan to an important question, did he still have to pick up Yibo or not?
Since the two fortunately thought about exchanging their cell phone numbers when they said goodbye late last night, Zhan wanted to send a message to Yibo and ask him whether he should pick him up or not. But, did Zhan really want his first message to Yibo, to be such a message?
Again and again he typed in a message and then deleted it. After about ten minutes of typing and deleting, Zhan gave up and considered calling Yibo. When his cell phone suddenly rang, he was so scared that he almost dropped it. Zhan read the caller ID and got red cheeks. He picked up the phone and said, "Good morning, Yibo."
"Good morning, my Bunny, I miss you. You probably already read that the water park will be closed today. What are we going to do? I want to see you! Will you still come pick me up? Maybe we can turn this day into a date?"
"A date? And do you have any ideas?"
"Well, we could have breakfast somewhere and then go to the climbing gym. Or you could come here and I'll introduce you to my parents, because they're both home today."
"How was it climbing? I have no idea, but I'm willing to learn."
"So you don't want to meet my parents?"
"Yibo, we've only known each other for three days, don't you think it's too soon?"
"No, I don't think so. And my parents already know about you, remember? I already told them on Monday evening that I met somebody. And last night I told them that you and I are together. They would love to meet you."
"Wow, I didn't expect you to tell your family about us so soon."
"Bunny, I told you several times that I am serious about you. I know this is all maybe a little too fast for you. But I' m absolutely sure that this is going to be a serious, long-term thing with you and me. Because I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep us together."
"Mn. I can see that."
"Do you think your sister said anything to your parents?"
"No, definitely not. My parents and my sister have had a very cool relationship since a while. They have never liked their husband, and since my sister moved to Hong Kong with her husband and children, they like him even less. Since he was originally supposed to work on the organic farm, while my sister was supposed to raise her sons there."
"Is that the only reason they don't like him?"
"No, like I said, they didn't like him much before. They think he doesn't genuinely love my sister or be a good father to his sons. I must say, he's hardly ever home. He works a lot and has to travel a lot on business. Besides, when he's away on business trips, he's never available. My sister says she still loves him, but she has been over pure doubt for a long time. Especially since his last business trip. When she tried to take money out of the ATM, they said her account had a deficit. So she pulled out bank statements and saw several large charges from nightclubs and bars."
"This is bad. So I hope she confronted him."
"I don't know. But let's just figure out what we're gonna do today. Meeting your parents would be okay, but it's a little too early. You know, I could watch you climb. Or maybe I could pick you up and we could go for breakfast, then we could go shopping and then back to my place where we can cook together. How's that?"
"Cook together? Sounds good, but I warn you, I don't know anything about it."
"Then I'll show you."
"Very nice. And next time, you can watch me climb. And if there's anyone staring at me, you can proudly say I'm all yours."
"Um, okay. I'll just get ready and come and pick you up."
"That's great. I'm happy to see my Bunny."
Zhan finished the call. He smiled and whispered, "Whoever sent Wang Yibo into my life, I thank that person."
Yibo made it more than easy for Zhan to like and trust him. Yet Zhan had always been a skeptical man who questioned everything. But just knowing that Yibo's parents already knew about their relationship, Zhan's doubts, if he had any at all, disappeared.
However, before Zhan set off to pick up Yibo, he did something untypical for him. He called his parents to tell them about Yibo. Except for the time when he confessed to his parents that he liked men, he had never talked to them about acquaintances or even his feelings.
When he nervously told his mother, "Mom, I met someone." he was a little bit afraid of her reaction. When he confessed his homosexuality, she cried for three days and did not speak to him for a whole week. His father even a whole month. Since then, they never spoke about it again.
"So you finally found someone who makes your heart beat faster?" His mother asked.
"And what's his name?"
"Wang Yibo." He explained in a shaky voice.
"Well, I guess he must be something special if he can win your heart. After all, you are 26 years old and you've never been with anyone before." She replied.
Zhan told her how he met him and his mother started laughing out loud. "Apparently, he noticed my beautiful son right away, and I think he knows exactly what he wants. That's good."
"And do you know how he introduced himself to me? He said: Wang - your future husband - Yibo."
There was a sound of laughter coming from the phone. Zhan's parents said at the same time: "We really want to meet him. He wants to marry our son and knew it from the first time he saw you."
"His parents already know about me. He told them about me that very same evening."
"ZhanZhan, from what it sounds like to me, your boyfriend is very serious about you. And if you like him too, don't let him go. Bring him here so we can get to know him, okay?" His mother said.
"We'll see Mom. He has to work and my vacation won't last forever."
"Son, he wants you to meet his parents, and we want to meet him too. As soon as possible!" Said his father.
"We haven't really gotten that far, Dad. We've known each other three days and we've been together since last night. It's all still so fresh, I can hardly believe it myself."
"Yes, just son. This man still knows exactly what he wants from you. He doesn't want a casual relationship and he obviously doesn't want to date for long. He wants to marry you. So try to take it as seriously as he does, and find out quickly if you have the same goal as he does." His father replied.
These words still echoed in Zhan's mind when he was already on his way to Yibo. And no sooner had he arrived at the house entrance, where Yibo was already waiting impatiently for him, than Zhan had found the answer.
He only had to look at Yibo, see his smile and joy, to know that he didn't intend to let Yibo disappear from his life again. The only thing holding him back a little bit right now is his fear of losing him again. To find out that all this is nothing more than a dream from which he will wake up as soon as the alarm clock rings.
Zhan stopped his car and Yibo almost jumped into the passenger seat. He hugged Zhan and pressed a deep kiss on his cheek and one on his mouth. "At last you are here, I missed you so much, my Bunny."

My Crazy Lifeguard [YiZhan FF]✔️
FanfictionCover may still be replaced. This story should be an try to make a funny story. Xiao Zhan finally has vacation! All he wants to do in the next 10 days is, lying in the shade of the outdoor public bath, read a book and swim a lane every now and then...