-32- My Crazy Lifeguard (Last Chapter)

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-32- My Crazy Lifeguard (Last Chapter)

A/N: Yes, also here we are now reaching the end. Maybe there will be a second book about their marriage sometime. But I am not sure about that. Here I have tried to create a love story that gets along without many problems and with a little fun. White Bunny has married his crazy lifeguard and now looks with him into a beautiful and loving future. But, now we come to the last chapter of "My crazy lifeguard".

After Zhan's boss opened a second, smaller, bookstore downtown, he put Zhan in charge of it. He said then that if he thought anyone could run his second store, it was Zhan. This was a great honor and pleasure for Zhan. Above all, he was happy that he no longer had to work in shifts. Just like Yibo, he left the house in the morning and came back home in the afternoon.

Five years have passed since the opening of the small bookstore. And to celebrate the five years of the store's existence, a reporter even came to the bookstore today to interview Zhan. And Yibo was with him too, because it was the holidays and he didn't have to go to work. So Yibo spent the time with Zhan in the book store and enjoyed the time they had together.

When the young reporter arrived in the bookstore with her hair strictly combed back, she didn't seem very happy about having to do an interview about Zhan and his work in the bookstore today. Even Zhan could have thought of something better than explaining to a young woman how he runs this business. He and Yibo always found a way to make their time together as enjoyable as possible.

Zhan and the young woman, who introduced herself as Kat, went to Zhan's office where Yibo was already waiting impatiently. "ZhanZhan, here you are at last." He called out immediately and tilted his head and frown as he saw Kat. "And who is she?" Yibo asked confusedly.

"I am Kat and I am here today to interview Mr. Wang Xiao. And you are?" She said with a big smile

"I'm Wang Yibo and the husband of Wang Xiao Zhan." Yibo proudly replied.

The big smile turned into a small one and Kat asked, "Husband? You are married? Are you really?"

"Yes we are. We' ve been married very happily for five years now. And I couldn't be happier that my ZhanZhan accepted my proposal at that time."

"Is that so? And how did you two get together?" Asked Kat.

"Well, I was working as a lifeguard on the Watchtower and I saw something out of the corner of my eye that caught my attention. It glowed brightly at the entrance and I turned my gaze that way. And then I saw him, the most beautiful man I've ever seen, with skin so fair it actually glowed." Yibo explained.

"And then? How did you get to talk?" Kat wanted to know.

"Yibo was worried about my skin and screamed through a megaphone to get out of the sun. He called me his Snowflake and even came to me." Explained Zhan.

"I couldn't let anything happen to your fair skin. Anyway, I fell in love with Zhan at first sight and we got together quite quickly. It wasn't long before I moved in with him and we got engaged. Nor did it take long for us to get married. We waited less than a year to get married, and I would do it over and over again." Yibo explained happily.

"So it's the great love?" Asked Kat.

"It is the true love. And if you are interested in our story, the book my ZhanZhan wrote It's called, "My Crazy Lifeguard," and it tells our story." Said Yibo.

"I know that book. But I thought it was a pity we readers didn't get to know what happened after the wedding." Kat replied.

"Then I will tell you. If ZhanZhan agrees."

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