Chapter One

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All he could hear was the blaring sound in the distance. A ringing that won't go away. The sound was alarming.... alarm... ALARM!

Bellamy jolted awake in his bed, "Shit! Shit, I'm late!" He yelled as he shot out of his bed, running to go get into the shower. He knew he had no business being late, what with his boss being an absolute hard ass, making sure to make his life absolutely miserable with every passing moment. Sure, that sounds a little dramatic; but Clarke Griffin was literally the worst.

If you asked Bellamy, he would tell you Clarke didn't exactly deserve being head editor of the publishing company they worked at, but alas here they are. Bellamy as her assistant at 26 years old, and
Clarke: 24, a spitfire executive telling him what to do all day. He's been working there for three years, trying to work his way to the editor, but it's as if Clarke got off on telling him what to do.

Bellamy got out of the shower and rushed to get dressed when his phone started to ring. He ran to his bedside and picked up his phone to see his sister calling.

"Hey O, I really can't talk right now I'm running late for work—,"

"Bell it won't take long. I'm just calling to make sure you're gonna come home for Vera's birthday this upcoming week?" His sister asks, sounding hopeful.

It's been years since Bellamy last went home to Arkadia to see his family. Ever since his mother married big shot, Marcus Kane, the relationship with the family has been strained. They've been married since Bellamy was sixteen years old, Octavia was not much younger at twelve. When Bellamy was born his birth father was never around, and when Octavia's father died; all he wanted was for his mother to be happy. So when she met Marcus, Bellamy was ecstatic. They got along at first, but as Bellamy grew older, more problems arose.

Vera is Marcus's mother, and Bellamy loves Vera, thinks she is one of the nicest human beings he's ever had the pleasure of meeting. Marcus on the other hand... it's not like Bellamy hates him. It's just Marcus wanted Bellamy to stay in Arkadia and take over the family business one day. That was never what Bellamy wanted. He wanted to move to New York City and pursue his dreams of becoming a writer and a publisher. When Bellamy finally got the courage to do so, his relationship with Marcus was forever tainted.

Bellamy sighed, "Look O, I'll try to get off work for the week, but you know my boss. She's not exactly gonna be happy if I try to get a week off."

He could practically feel the eye roll Octavia gave him from the other end of the phone.
"That's a nice excuse Bell. When are you ever gonna come see your family?! I have so much I want to tell you... Please just try, okay?"

He hated hurting his sister. He's been taking care of her since she was a baby. His sister, his responsibility.

"I'll try. But I'm not joking about my boss."

"Yeah yeah I know. Satan's Princess and all that."

Bellamy chuckles at the use of the nickname he once gave her while he ranted on the phone with Octavia.

"I'll talk to you later, O. Love you."

"Love you too, big brother."

Bellamy hung up the phone, and quickly got dressed in gray dress pants and a white button-up shirt. Checking the time, he sees he only has about 20 minutes to run to the coffee shop and get Clarke's coffee, then to arrive at the office. He's cutting it too damn close for comfort.

He finishes getting ready as fast as he can and runs out the door. He already knows this day is going to be hell.


He gets to the coffee shop with ten minutes left until he needs to be at work. He opens the door and he sees Monty at the register.

"Hey, Bellamy! Good morning you're having?" Monty asks, already sensing that Bellamy is really tense.

Bellamy scoffs, "Not at all. Can I have the usual, please? Also, add a double-shot espresso for me. I had a late start to my morning, and I have a feeling I'm gonna need the extra caffeine."

"Ah, I see. The boss giving you a hard time already?" Monty asks while he rings Bellamy's order up.

"Not yet, but if I know Clarke; and I do, she's gonna give me a hard time. She always does." Bellamy replies, paying Monty and leaving a nice tip like he always does.

"Well, I hope someone tames Satan's princess soon then." Monty jokes.

Okay so maybe Bellamy has referred to Clarke by that name to a few people... a few being his entire friend group. But it's not like he's lying.

"Harper will bring your drinks out shortly," Monty says, a hint of a blush forming on his cheeks.

"When are you gonna ask her out, man?" Bellamy asks.

"Soon. I don't know. Maybe in a month, or better yet, two months. Maybe even three. But who's counting?"

Bellamy rolls his eyes at his friend just as Harper brings out the drinks.

"Counting what?" She asks with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh, nothing. You two have a nice day!" Bellamy says, as he grabs the drinks and shoots a wink in Monty's direction that is returned with a warning glare. Bellamy just laughs and waves. Maybe today won't be so bad after all.


Spoke too damn soon. Bellamy thinks to himself as the burning coffee seeps through his shirt. At least it wasn't Clarke's coffee. He doesn't need to be on her shit list today.

Speaking of Satan's Princess, Clarke walks in, and if Bellamy didn't know she was a horrid person, he would be undeniably attracted to her.

She's gorgeous, with her long blonde hair, and eyes so blue they put the stars to shame. Her body is also perfect, with all soft curves and perfect skin. She's a goddess. But her personality ruins it for him. So stubborn and confrontational...

"Mr. Blake, nice of you to finally join us," Clarke remarks as she grabs her coffee, and nods her head so that Bellamy follows her into her office.

"I'm sorry Miss. Griffin, my alarm went off late this morning and there was a lot of traffic—,"

"It's fine. I need you to cancel my meeting with John Murphy today and reschedule it for the same time tomorrow. I have another meeting that I need to attend that is extremely important. I can't miss it." Clarke says, not looking up from her computer.

Bellamy takes a breath and starts to respond.
"Yes I can do that, I actually needed to ask you about something. Next week is my grandmother's birthday, and I haven't been home in a while, so I was wondering if I could get the week off next week?"

Clarke looks up at him. "The entire week? Why would you need a whole week off for one day?"

"Well my family doesn't exactly live close by, and as I mentioned before I haven't been home in a while—,"

He gets cut off by Clarke's phone ringing. She looked at him expectantly, and Bellamy clenched his jaw to bite back a rude remark.

"Miss Griffin's office, this is Bellamy speaking." He says into the phone.

He nods as he jots down the message for Clarke.

"Yes sir, I'll let her know. Thank you for calling."

"Who was it?" Clarke asks absently.

"A man by the name 'Thelonious Jaha' said it's been 5 years since you last made a visit. That's all he wanted to say. What did he mean—,"

"Please leave my office," Clarke says, her hands drawn into fists.

"Miss Griffin—,"

"Get out!"

Bellamy glares and slams the door as he leaves. He doesn't care at that moment if it might get him fired, all he knows is he hates Clarke Griffin.


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