Chapter Thirteen

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{T H I R T E E N}


Clarke wakes up in the morning abruptly. Talking about all of that last night... bringing up all the pain she tried so hard to keep buried; it was harder than she thought it would be. Surprisingly though, it felt good to get it off her chest. It felt good to not be hiding behind it anymore. It also felt good to have Bellamy just listen to her, without judgment or question.

If nothing else, Clarke learned that Bellamy Blake is an amazing listener.

She turned around to check the time when she accidentally hit the remote that controls the blinds on the wall. She quickly closes the blinds back up so that the sunlight doesn't wake Bellamy up; she knows he's already not a morning person, and she doesn't wanna mess up the bonding that they made last night.

She smiles a little when she thinks of last night and the way that he made her laugh until she couldn't breathe. She hasn't felt that happy and carefree in a long time; she wants to feel that way again.

She climbs to the edge of the bed to get a peek at Bellamy. He's still asleep thankfully, and that gives Clarke the chance to study his features. She never really noticed just how beautiful he was. I mean, she noticed he was attractive, but there's something much deeper than just 'hot.' He's gorgeous in an effortless way. I mean, really? How does someone look that good while sleeping?

Clarke turns her face around and catches a glimpse of herself in the little mirror resting on the nightstand. She leans closer to it and almost gasps at how messy she looks. Her hair is sticking up all over the place, and she has some leftover mascara dried up under her eyes. Clarke quickly runs her fingers through her hair, trying to get the knots out of it so it looks halfway decent before she's wiping at the mascara with her fingers. Once she thinks she looks presentable enough, she puts on a little lip balm to make her lips look less dry.

She doesn't even want to acknowledge why she wants to bring attention to her lips. But deep down she knows the real reason for the sudden interest in looking good.

She lies back down in a more delicate way than before when the knock on the door fills the space of the bedroom.

"Knock knock! Can we come in?" Aurora asks through the door.

Clarke quickly stands out of the bed and rushes to Bellamy's side, "Bellamy! Wake up." She shakes his body and he groans and turns to her.

"What? Just a few more minutes." He grumbles before pulling at her wrist until she slips and falls onto the ground with him.

"Bellamy, your mom is at the door! You need to get into bed with me now!" Clarke says again, shaking him.

This time he grumpily stands up and walks over to the bed, collapsing onto it. Clarke follows him and lays right next to him before he's pulling her into his chest and wrapping his arms around her.

Clarke's heart starts beating out of her chest. Can he tell? God, she hopes not.
Clarke settles into him more comfortably before she whispers to him again.

"I'm gonna tell them to come in okay?"

Bellamy says something unintelligible, and Clarke rolls her eyes.

"Come in!" She says sweetly.

Aurora pokes her head into the door and walks inside, followed by Vera, Octavia, and surprisingly Kane.

"We brought breakfast in bed for the happy couple!" Vera says holding a tray of food that smells wonderful.

"Aw thank you, that was very sweet of you," Clarke says, and Bellamy finally sits up in the bed, his arms still firmly wrapped around Clarke's body.

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