Chapter Twenty- Epilogue

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{E P I L O G U E}


5 Years Later...

Bellamy looks out into the yard of his house and smiles to himself. He sees his sister and brother-in-law Lincoln, running around with his Niece and Nephew, he sees his parents sitting at the table with Thelonious, laughing about random things.

He sees his friends; Harper, Monty, Raven, Murphy all cooking food on the barbecue.

Last but not least he sees his wonderful wife. Standing there looking so effortlessly beautiful, as she always does. When she sees him, she smiles just as bright as she did the day they got married.

The day he married Clarke Griffin was the best day of his life. It was a small ceremony, just close friends and family, all gathered around to celebrate them. He watched in awe as Clarke walked down the aisle, wearing the dress she once wore, but this time he has no fears of her walking out. He knew it was real.

Being married to Clarke was like second nature to him. Sure, they had their ups and downs like any couple does, but they always worked through it. She is the love of his life. Just like he is hers.

They make more time to visit family, now that they are married. Either they go to Alaska, or the family from Alaska comes here. Same with Thelonious.

When Vera died, Clarke stayed with Bellamy in Alaska for months, as he helped his parents and sister cope with the loss. Vera lived a long and happy life, and she got to see Octavia fall in love, get married, and have two beautiful children. Bellamy is thankful that he got to reconnect with the family and spend as much time with Vera as he could. That was one of the many gifts that Clarke Griffin gave him.

Clarke made her way over to Bellamy and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hi, my love." She says sweetly.

Bellamy smiles and kisses the top of her head. "Hello, my wife."

Clarke giggles, "We've been married five years, and the novelty of calling me "wife" still hasn't died down?"

Bellamy scoffs, "Never. You being my wife is still, and always will be the most precious thing. The novelty will never fade away, Princess. You know this by now."

Clarke leans up and presses a chaste kiss to his lips. "You're right, husband."

Bellamy smirks and leans in to kiss her before Octavia is rushing over to Clarke.

"Hey, Clarke, can I please talk to you for a minute?" Octavia asks.

Clarke nods and walks away with Octavia.

"What's up Tavia, is everything okay?"

Octavia clears her throat, "Uh, so I totally wasn't trying to snoop or anything, but when I was in the bathroom I dropped my phone in the trash and... I found the test."

Clarke turns a little pale. "Don't say anything yet. I have this whole plan to reveal it."

Octavia nods, "You know id never do that Clarke. Is this why you wanted us to come here for Bell's birthday this year?" She asks.

Clarke nods, "I knew that all of you being here would be important to him. I wanted to share this moment with all of you. With the whole family."

Octavia smiles and pulls Clarke in for a hug. "I love you, Clarke. I'm so happy for you both."

Clarke laughs, "Thank you Tavia. Let's get back before Bellamy gets all suspicious."

Octavia nods and walks back over to her husband and kids.

"What was that about, baby?" Bellamy asks when Clarke comes back to his side.

"You'll find out soon enough," Clarke responds.

"Let's do presents!" Aurora shouts as she pulls everyone into the house.

Clarke walks up to Octavia and whispers something in her ear before she follows everyone back into the house.

Bellamy laughs when he sees that his parents got him a typewriter. He used to play with them back when he was a kid, so amazed by the way the paper moved. He smiled when Octavia handed him the hand-drawn birthday cards that the kids drew him, and he even hugged Lincoln when he saw the tickets to the history museum that was shoved inside of them.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes when Murphy handed him a signed copy of his new book. That was just their friendship. They were both smug bastards when they wanted to be.

Raven added a whole new speaker system into Bellamy's car, and Monty gave him free coffee for a year as a joke, but Bellamy appreciates that gift.

Then when it was finally Clarke's turn, she handed him a wrapped present.

"Happy birthday, Bell. I love you."

Bellamy smiled and opened the present to see a scrapbook. The title of the boom was "Our little Family."

When Bellamy opened the page, he smiled when he saw pictures of him and Octavia as kids, Clarke and Wells as rebellious teenagers. He saw old company photos of him and Clarke back when they couldn't stand to be in the same room with one another.

He saw their wedding photos, as well as all the pictures they took together in the 5 years of being together.

When he flipped to the last page, he saw a little photo of an ultrasound. His heart stopped, as he read the caption.

Our little bundle of joy. Happy Birthday, dad!

Bellamy's eyes shoot up to Clarke's in question.

"Yeah?" He asks tearfully.

Clarke nods as she smiles, and Bellamy surges forward and wraps her up in his arms, spinning her around as he hugs her. He presses kisses all over her face as she laughs.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He says as happy tears fall down his cheeks.

"We love you too." She says happily.

Bellamy turns around to the rest of the room.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He says excitedly, and the room erupts in cheers.

Bellamy looks around and sees everyone important to him in one room.
He looks around and sees his future. His wife, and their little princess or prince, waiting for their life to start. This is his life, and he's happy.

So many things happened in his life that led up to this moment. He thanks his lucky stars that he was the one that Clarke said she was marrying all those years ago.

There are so many things in his life that are still undetermined, but all he knows for sure is that he loves Clarke Griffin.


—E N D—

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