Chapter Eight

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{E I G H T}


Clarke follows Bellamy towards the group of people and stands next to him as he sits on the edge of the chair.

Bellamy takes a breath, "So—,"

Octavia shushes her brother. "Not you, idiot. I want Clarke to tell it! It's good to hear the perspective of the person who actually got proposed to." She says, looking at Clarke expectantly.

Clarke grows nervous, "Uh... sure, okay."

Bellamy shoots her a look, and Clarke smiles.

"So, Bellamy and I have a very interesting relationship. We fight but we know deep down we think the other is extremely intelligent. One night we were working late in the office, and Bellamy left to go grab us some coffee—,"

"This one needs caffeine to survive. Without it, she turns into a crazy person." Bellamy interrupts.

Octavia laughs, "Is that why you call her Satan's princess??"

Clarke's eyes widen as she whips her head to look at Bellamy. He has a guilty expression on his face. It's one thing to know all of her employees call her that, but it's an entirely different story when Bellamy refers to her by that name to his family. She was gonna be nice and make the proposal realistic to his character but... if he was gonna walk around calling her that to everyone he encountered well... she can play too.

"No, he calls me that because Satan lives in Hell, and Bellamy likes to say 'Hell is hot but Satan's Princess is hotter'. He also likes to call himself my Brave little knight." Clarke replies, smirking.

Bellamy drops his mouth wide open, but then meets her where she is. "And Clarke likes to talk about how her 'Brave little knight' isn't little at all."

Clarke turns bright pink and Octavia gags.
"Okay! Gross! I really did not need to hear that! Back to the proposal story please??"

Bellamy grimaces, "Sorry, O."

Clarke clears her throat. "Anyways, he was gone for a pretty long time just to grab some coffee, so I wandered out into the office looking for him. I saw rose petals all over the floor—,"

"Romance isn't a dead act gentleman," Bellamy remarks smugly, and Clarke realizes she isn't making it embarrassing enough.

"He was also standing there wearing a tux!" Clarke says dramatically, and all the ladies swooned while the guys chuckled at Bellamy.

"It was more of a nicer suit than it was a tux—"

"He pulled out a box, and inside the box, was a bunch of glitters that just popped out! And inside all that glitter was pictures of us throughout our relationship—"

"Clarke, honey, there was no glitter—"

"He had tears in his eyes, and looked at me and told me how I was his goddess, and that he was so lucky to be the one who got to love me—"

"She responded by telling me she was actually the lucky one because I was a modern-day Apollo—"

"Well, what's a god without his goddess?" Clarke says smirking, and Bellamy's mouth dries up, unable to think of anything else to say to that.

"And that's exactly what I said when I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me," Bellamy says, starting at Clarke.

Clarke meets his gaze, and for a moment, there is this electric pull between them.

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