Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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|| Artwork by: 三时地利 (@sanjii33) | Art source: || 


That was the last thing you could recall before blacking out entirely. Your thoughts were disorganized, fuzzy from the sensations of the new environment. The surprisingly cold hard ground provided some relief against the burns on your wings. Your mind still had this lingering static you couldn't quite place. Beer bottles shattering and angry growling echoed between the alleyways below. Alcoholic vapors contaminated the air with a lingering smell of tobacco and fire. Your torso jerked up wheezing and hacking from the pungent smells of hell penetrating your lungs. Rubbing your dirtied face, you took in your surroundings. You were wrapped in grayed robes, resting on the empty rooftop of some random apartment complex. Surrounding the perimeter of the building were various demon species committing all types of fraud, robbery, and many other violent acts. Looking up, you could see the famous pentagram sun anchored to the bloody skies of Lucifer's kingdom.

Yes, that's why you're here... perhaps it would be a good idea to meet with Lucifer himself. It doesn't seem like God or any of your fellow angels would ever respect you again for the decision you made, let alone accept you back into Heaven. You couldn't help but sigh at the situation you've gotten yourself into; you didn't even realize your cheeks were wet until you finally felt them. You felt heartbroken for having to turn against Heaven, but that wasn't the only reason you cried. You couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved -and guilty for feeling that too- yet a soothing calmness washed over your weeping soul. No, you couldn't afford to waste anymore time. Shaking off the doubts that threatened to creep into your mind, you prepared to fly off to Lucifer's Palace.

Oh if only it were that easy. The second you attempted to propel yourself into the skies, a paralyzing pain crackled through your entire body. You nearly stumbled off the roof from the sudden sensation. It seems your wings were out of commission. Further analyzing the rest of your body in a puddle's reflection of god knows what liquids, you noticed how your wings were devoid of light; completely pitch black. You were always a fan of dark colors, easy to blend in with the night, so you didn't mind it. Your eyes continued to trail down your sulfuric orange skin to the keen, dusty coal claws that extended from your fingertips. Your hair remained the same (h/c) color and length, but the sclera surrounding your (e/c) irises were an abyssal black... a color that matched the jagged horns protruding from your forehead? Wow, this is one Hell of a transition, you nervously chuckled to yourself. Your horns were surprisingly light, but without a doubt very point at the tips. For some reason this new form excited you. You were always fascinated with the unknown and having firsthand experience with this transition was just enchanting. The rhythmically thumping against the hollowed roof brought you out of your thoughts. A sharp gasp escaped your mouth once you uncovered the ash tail hiding behind your wings. It had hints of orange at your base and followed an outwards gradient to black. The texture of it felt smooth like skin and sharpened around the spade-like tip. After spending enough time with humans and learning about their cultures, specifically anime, you knew tails were cool.

"HOLY SHIT I HAVE A TAIL!" You exclaimed in awe but were quickly silenced when a demon in an apartment below shouted for you to shut up.

You wondered what else about you had changed or stayed the same. You tried using elemental spells but none of them activated when you waved your hand in complex motions. Looks like God revoked all my elemental manipulation abilities. The heat of the underworld didn't seem to faze you either, meaning you still had some blessings left! ...that or you obtained the benefits of being a resident of Hell. You reached out your hand in attempt to summon your extermination blade. A thin, midnight colored katana manifested in the crook of your hand. Your shining silver armor set was replaced with a small copper chest piece and wrist cuffs around a loose, long sleeved shirt that replaced your robes. A short black cloak that split like a trench at the ends hugged the backside of your body. The edges of the cloth were lined with red streaks and contained a pentagram emblem at the center. The hood contained two small protrusions that mimicked small fox ears. Your draping black pants were held up by two belts that formed an x around your waist. The fox-orange belt that dipped slightly towards your left held the holster for your sword, and the smokey grey one dipping towards your right held miscellaneous pouches and compartments for small throwing knives. The lack of more protective armor was somewhat displeasing to you. A perfectly fitted kitsune mask was the only thing that 'protected' your face. If you weren't cautious enough, your limbs would easily be shredded by hungry demons. On the bright side, the new armor set did provide an extreme amount of mobility and flexibility for you to work with. You kicked the ground with your black combat boots. Hmm... surprisingly light and could still do some damage. Not bad... You noticed how Hell really favored the color black, but you're not complaining.

It was a lot to process, and you were still shocked at how much has changed within a short span of time. But you needed to adapt fast. You didn't have a choice unless you wanted to die. Holstering your blade and making your wings disappear with that searing pain again, you leaped onto the rooftop adjacent to you. The distance you covered was a lot farther than you anticipated. Although you lost most of your divine abilities, you did gain some cool new powers like extreme strength and speed. Traveling along the rooftops would be quicker than running through the streets. 

Along one of your long jumps, you heard a bone chilling crunching and sloshing that halted you in your tracks. You weren't letting fear take over yet, but you were annoyed that the static in your mind was gradually growing louder. It was only when you kneeled at the edge of the rooftop when you spotted the source of the disturbing chomping. A well-dressed man soaked entirely in blood was hunched over a pile of mangled demon corpses. Whether his striped suit was originally red or dyed from the pools of blood would probably remain a mystery. You watched the creature halt his... feasting? Shit, did I just get spotted? Your breath hitched. You didn't dare move, worried that the creature would attack you in your weakened state. You did your best to slow down your heart that was beating rapidly for you to leave. The creature snapped its neck at an unholy angle to reveal his sinister smile. It was dark in that ally, but you could see sections of shadows twitch at the sight of you. His teeth were heavily stained with blood, but you can just make out its yellow undertone. He possessed deer-like horns that extended between his ruffled red hair. That same annoying static rumbled into your eardrums as the demon's eyes turned to radio dials. Your ears threatened to bleed if it didn't stop. Out of panic you just threw him a thumbs up while covering one ear.

What the fuck am I doing. How is this going to solve anything?

The static that's been bothering you since your arrival started to finally subside, and the demon's eyes returned to their crimson red. Why did that work? You tilted your head out of confusion, and the demon mimicked you. Your actions were just as puzzling to him. He was probably wondering why a random demon -witnessing this eldritch horror consume countless bodies- respond with a strong thumbs up. You decided it would be best to leave before anything else got weirder. Standing up alerted the demon; you thought he would chase after you, but surprisingly he just watched. You waved the demon goodbye and hopped away to the next rooftop. You were glad you had that mask now, or he would seen how drenched in sweat you were.

Alastor licked the blood off his claws once you broke eye contact with him. What in the Hell? He looked back at the rooftop wondering if what he just observed was real. A demon that wasn't paralyzed in fear by his mere presence? And not only that, but casually offered him a 'good job' signal AND a salutation after witnessing his carnage? That wasn't a reaction he was used to- far from it. He was certain you were new to hell since he would've quickly noticed someone as peculiar as you. How strange... he couldn't help but laugh at your comical actions. Alastor could feel his smile stretch further up his face. "How entertaining..." he mumbled darkly to himself. You've certainly piqued his interest. The hunter in him says to chase after you, but his hunger was already satisfied from the prey he caught earlier. It would be wasteful to hunt you down without having any cravings. Alastor summoned his microphone and hummed an old tune while stepping out of the alleyway. The streets within proximity of his hunting grounds were barren. He would find you again. He would make sure of it.

All for the sake of experiencing an exciting game of hunting with you.

Author's Note:

Reader: gives random thumbs up of sheer social anxiety

Alastor: Excuse me but what the f u c k.

Author: you shoulda dabbed (y/n)... you shoulda dabbed...

This bit was funnier in my head I swear ;-; But I already written it so I had to commit to the bit 

I hope to one day write a book about a fantasy world I've been working on for a few years now. Alastor is fairly similar to a character in my world-build ideas, so writing this fanfic is helping me figure out how I want to eventually write him! I'd love to hear your comments any tips or constructive criticism you may have. (But you don't have to if you don't want to, silly comments are always welcomed lol). I'm here to provide entertainment for you lads and I hope to improve on my writing style on this journey. >:3

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