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Title: Heroes United: The Magic of Friendship

Author: Bessie Jewel D. Alvarez
Cover: Jonalin T. Magbanua
Graphic Artist/Designer: Jonalin T. Magbanua (miyakashinn)
Genre: Fiction, High School, Teen Fiction, Drama, Romantic Comedy, FanFiction
Language: English, Tagalog

Adventures starring the six magical friends in their own stories...

Dadz Adventures
Jonz Journey
Joyz Miracles
Kathz Destiny
Lorz Explorer
Rheaz Witchcraft

Heroes United: The Magic of Friendship!

Images credits to the owner
Characters are designed by my friend Jonalin.

Please avoid plagiarism and copying of my works.
Copy right protected.


Heroes United: The Magic of FriendshipTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon