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Every mega event that happens in São Paulo has become a tradition, or I try to be present. The Cultural Turn could not be different. And when you have this type of script, friends like Milla, John, Yo, Will, Aline, and others come to mind. Even more so in that year that I had already agreed with them. Held annually, the party is a mega event in the city of São Paulo. Based on the Virada Cultural that takes place in France, where concerts, theaters, cinemas, ballads and other activities are presented simultaneously for 24 hours uninterrupted in different places in the capital of São Paulo.

A month before the event, each of us took the event's script and marked what we want to see. Then, on Friday, the day before the event, we got together and analyzed where we are going exactly according to what each one marked in his script. And on that day, when we were together and we were discussing what we would see, John spoke about Zélia Ducan's show, to which Aline spoke:

- Ah, I really wanted to go to her show, but Adam doesn't like it.

"I don't like it," I defended myself. - Who said that?

"Milla and John spoke," she replied.

- It's not that I don't like it. It's just that I never stopped to listen carefully to Zélia.

- So let's go to this show, shall we? Asked Milla.

That Saturday Yo can't be with us. When I left my photography course at four in the afternoon, I took a shower and went to pick Milla up at her house, John was waiting for us in downtown São Paulo, at the Luz Metro station. Milla was still doing her hair and we were already late, since John was already at the station waiting for us. Half an hour passed and nothing; Milla was still getting ready. That was when John, already impatient, called us and she said that we were coming down to the station at that moment. Lie! She was still going to eat something. Well, he ate, but the worst thing was still changing his clothes because, like every woman, at that moment, I don't know what's going on in their minds, that clothes no longer had the shine of when they had put on 15 minutes ago. Then he changed his clothes. As she saw that we were going to be even more late,

- OK! - That was Milla's only response to John over the phone. And then coming back to me he said:

- Relax, he's like that. I already know him. He always does that little thing. He goes.

- Okay then - I replied.

Then she just got dressed: she wore a long-sleeved wine blouse, black pants that kept going up her shins in which, seeing this, she decided to put on a shallow black boot. But it didn't help much, the edge of the pants kept going up, showing his white shin. I was wearing dark jeans, black sneakers and a black blouse. We left Milla's house almost two hours late. When we were on the train, behold, we met your older sister, Aline with her boyfriend and our friend Will. As Will is an important character I will describe him: he is tall, thin, smooth white skin. Its protruding face, with the cheese slightly squared, medium nose and the part that are well made eyebrows are not very sharp and rounded. His hair is blond and slightly long, in which he shows himself playing back and forth. That day he was wearing black pants, with torn details, and a dark blouse on the sleeves with a gray detail on the front.

"Hi, guys," said Will. - Where are you going first?

"We are going to Zélia's show," replied Milla.

"Hey, but Adam doesn't like it," he interjected.

"It's not that I don't like it, people," I defended myself again. - I just never stopped to listen carefully.

- But you didn't tell Milla and John that you didn't like it? He insisted.

"No, it's not," I said.

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