Chapter 29 - Superman

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Jinyoung arrives at the hospital early with flowers and as soon as he comes in, he finds Jaebeom sitting on the chair next to the bed, reading to her. Coughing lightly, he attracts her attention and she immediately smiles at him.

JY: Did you sleep? He asks, now close enough to kiss her forehead.

J: I did. These look gorgeous Jinyoung. Thank you, she whispers.

JB: Morning man, I brought coffee.

JY: Thanks. When did you get here? He asks curiously.

JB: About ten minutes ago, he says before getting a message.

As she enters the room a few minutes later, her aunt is all over the place.

Aunt: Jina! My little girl! Look at you, she says covered in worried, before Jaebeom grabs her suitcase and bags that he puts to the side. Jaebeom! You are superman! She says hugging him.

JB: Ah, Ajumoni, I did nothing, he says embarrassed. The paramedics and the hospital staff did everything.

Aunt: So modest, she says to Jina as she walks to her. You need to keep that one! And he is still as handsome as the last time we met. He called me once he knew you were in good hands, arranged a flight and a driver to bring me here. Isn't he an angel? She asks as Jina admires her hero.

Jinyoung is just witnessing the whole situation and he realises that there is a lot he doesn't know. How does Jaebeom know her aunt for example? Where did they meet? And when?

Aunt: Oh, I'm sorry. Hi. I am Jina's aunt, she says now noticing Jinyoung.

JY: Hi, I'm Jinyoung, Jina's... friend, he says bowing respectfully. Nice to meet you, he adds generating a questioning look on her face.

Aunt: Nice to meet you, she says bowing.

JB: I got coffee, if you want some, he offers, making her look at him with a fond smile and grab his cheek.

Aunt: So lovely. Yes thank you, I needed this.

As they fill her in on her physical state, she explains that she will stay for the next two weeks before she needs to return to her sixteen year old who is staying with friends at the moment. The boys then leave together, as they are due a couple of engagements, while Jina's aunt keeps her company.

Aunt: Well, this looks like a complicated situation.

J: It's not, surgery was a success and I'm seeing an orthopaedic doctor this afternoon, I might need surgery again to place some braces on my bones.

Aunt: I am not talking about your lungs or your arm. I'm talking about your heart.

J: Nothing's wrong with my heart, she says making her aunt look at her as if she was an idiot. Oh, she says when realising where the conversation is going. Yes. It's a mess, she adds worried to be scolded by her aunt.

Aunt: They both obviously love you, don't they? She asks understandingly.

J: Yes they do.

Aunt: Are they friends?

J: More like brothers.

Aunt: Do you love them? Both? Surely not!

J: I love Jinyoung but... my feelings have changed. I'm not in love with him anymore. I still don't want to hurt him though.

Aunt: And Jaebeom? I like him a lot you know.

J: I know, she smiles. I'm in love with him but I can't be with him.

Aunt: Because of lippy lip lips?

J: Yes. I was on my way to tell them when the accident happened. I don't know when to tell them now. They are expecting my decision but they haven't said anything and...

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