Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

There's a loud noise as if someone is banging metal against metal, I flutter my eyes open and sit up.

I take a look around in the dormitory, we got our final rankings yesterday, which means we're only four transfers left, Will, Christina, Peter and me. Molly and Drew got kicked out, meaning they're factionless now. The rest of the initiates who made it into Dauntless are all Dauntless-born, they sleep in another dormitory.

Tobias is standing in the doorway with a mug in his hand, "time to get up!" he shouts in his instructor voice. "You have to be in the dining hall in five minutes!" His eyes meet mine for a second before he walks out, he winks at me and gives me a smile, which seems to lighten up my day.

I remove the blanket from my body and sling my legs over the edge of the bed.

Will sits up in another bed, his hair a mess. Just a second later, I hear Christina groan as she sits up in the same bed. Looks like they slept together last night.

Peter walks out from the bathroom, he's wearing an extremely sour look on his face while sending me a gaze. He has been like that since yesterday; when he found out that I beat him in initiation.

I tie my shoes and stand up to wait for Christina and Will.

Five minutes later, we're sitting in the dining hall, waiting for Max to speak up. We have to choose job today and get our apartments, since I was ranked first, they'll start with me.

I'm going to choose to be working in the tattoo-parlor and be an initiation instructor when the time is for that.

Uriah, Marlene, Lynn and the other dauntless born initiates join Will, Christina, Peter and I at our table. When Tobias walks into the dining hall, I get up from my chair and walk to him, he smiles when he sees me.

"Hi," he says and kiss my forehead. "Did you sleep well last night?"

Last night, after Peter started sending me death glares, Tobias told me to come to his apartment if I didn't feel safe enough to stay there for the night. A part of me really wanted to, but another part told me that I should rather stay at the dormitory. Peter must not get the idea of me being afraid of him.

"Mhm," I say and turn around while I take his hand, together, we walk to the initiates table.

"Four!" someone calls. Tobias and I both stop walking and turn around to see Max waving at Tobias. He squeezes my hand and let it go.

"See you up there soon," he says and nods at a small stage in the end of the room. A microphone is standing on it, and Eric's back is facing the crowd like he's getting something ready.

Tobias walks off and I head back to the initiate table again.

"I still can't believe it," Christina says as I sit down by her side.

"What?" I say and grab a muffin from a tray on the middle of the table.

"You and Four," she says, she widen her eyes. "I can't believe it. You've secretly been dating our instructor and you never told me."

I smile and shrug as I take a bite of the muffin.

In the same second, Max's voice booms through the room, "goodmorning, everyone," he says. I turn my head to look up at him, he doesn't even have to speak in the microphone for the whole crowd to hear him. Behind him, Eric, Tobias and Lauren are standing.

"As you already know," he continues. "Our initiates got their final rankings yesterday. Today, they have to choose a job and get their apartment keys. We'll start with the first ranked." He looks at me and I stand up.

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