9. Weak Spot

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Leo: Jack, you there?

Jack blinks a few times seeing he's back in school, in class. The students aren't doing anything as there is a sub for the class. Jack looks at the clock in the room to see that it's 11:32.

Jack thinks to himself for a moment. (Bold means the persons thoughts)

Jack: That's odd. Knowing its 11:32 I'd have gym right now in the weight room. Why am I still in a classroom?

Leo: Uhh Jack?

Jack: Oh Leo? What's up?

Leo: You spaced out for a while man, are you alright?

Jack: Oh yeah I'm goo- wait a minute what happened? Why're you here?

Leo: Well this is your mind so you could be imagining all of this.

Jack: Wait... the initiation!

Leo: Don't worry time is moving very slowly in here so you'll have all the time you need.

Jack: Ok...

Jack notices the other people in the room aren't moving so he gets up and looks around.

Leo: Also, don't forget about how you let us die Jack...

Jack froze in movement and turned around revealing his pale face to Leo who could be seen slowly fading away. Jack went to reach for him but as he grabbed his shirt there was nothing left to grab. Jack looked around and watch as the same thing happened to everyone in the class making him run out of the room and down the hallway. He ran constantly looking around but no matter how well he knew the school he kept getting lost. Jack stopped and looked, running into the nearest room closing the door behind him and hiding behind a desk frantically breathing.

Leo: You can't hide from your past Jack. It's okay to be sca-

Jack jumps up and the desk follows his movements as he throws the door open and continues running in fear. As Jack continues down the halls looking for stairs or something to get him away from wherever he is. Leo's face appears next to Jack and whispers constantly.

Leo: You can't hide from them either

Jack: Stay the hell away from me!

Jack moves faster as he finds a stairwell and hurries down the stares. Watching the numbers above the doors as he traveled down he slams through the door leading to the first floor.

Jack: If this is still the same layout of my school then the exit should be just down this hall!

Leo: You can't escape Jack! You cannot leave just yet!

Jack continued to run, eventually ending up at the front doors of the school and shoved his way through them only to find emptiness in front of him. Nothing but the empty void of space with the stars and neighboring galaxy. He looked all around and by the time he turned around there was no school behind him but large plains now. Jack just looked around until he sees a wood house and heads there. As he walks the environment begins to change from empty plains to a snowy forest. Jack sees himself, Reigns, and Seth, not long after Jack walked down the mountain the two disappeared just like Leo did earlier.

Leo: One you left them they had also left. But they left for good.

Jack turned towards Leo as the house also disappears.

Leo: You see Jack? Those two spirits up there in your mind? That is your test just like that forest was.

Jack: But what is the test? All they do is cause mayhem and destruction leading to the worst headaches.

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