13 Pressure Cooker

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Glynda: Begin!

Cardin charged at Jack with his mace held high, Jack charged at him and juked him causing Cardin slam his mace down onto nothing. As Jack was now behind him he threw his axe at Cardin's back which did some  damage to his aura.

On the screens above it displays the amount of aura between the two fighters. As of right now Jack is in the green and Cardin is in the yellow.

Ruby: Wow! Jack really knocked off some aura from Cardin, didn't he?

As Cardin went to get up Jack lifted him to punch him but got kneed in the ribs. Jack recoiled and backed up holding his ribs as he kept one hand up. Team RWBY, especially Yang remembered that his injuries from the initiation haven't 100% healed yet even though it's been weeks since then.

Jack: Alright that's it.

Jack ran up and went to punch Cardin, as Cardin braced he felt nothing and realized his predicament. Jack wrapped his arms around Cardin's armor/stomach, lifted him up and suplexed him onto the ground. Some in the audience either watched in amazement or groaned and winced after watching the back breaking move used on Cardin. Jack got up and went to continue his savagery on Cardin but Glynda called the match.

Glynda: Well, that was quite the match. Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!

Team Rwby gleamed with excitement while Pyrrha looked at Jaune with sadness. The bell rings and class is dismissed. Yang ran up to Jack and hugged him, Blake and the others caught up to her. 

Jack: Yang I am fine I swear. He only hit me at a weak point.

Blake: Are you sure about that? You seemed really distracted with your wound.

Jack sighed as he lifted up his clothes to reveal his side which revealed one or two tattoos but most importantly the bruise on his side.

Team RWBY took interest and looked at him with worry.

Ruby: Jack, you've gotta take it easy!

Yang: Jackie you're hurt!

Blake: Jack...

Weiss: You Dunce!

Jack: I'll get better. Rib injuries don't heal fast. Plus the meds you guys have are a lot stronger so I'm not trying to make my body go nuts.

Blake: But take it easy please?

Yang: *Hugs Jacks arm* For us?

Jack exhaled and agreed which led to smiles from all of the girls. This made his heart warm and forgot about Cardin for a bit.


Nora: So! There we were, in the middle of the night...

Ren: It was day.

Nora: *To Blake, paying no attention as she is lost in her book, and Yang, who is hanging on her every word with her hands cupping her face and Jack who sat between them was listening while resting his eyes* We were surrounded by Ursai...

Ren: They were Beowolves.

Nora: Dozens of them!

Weiss is ignoring Nora and filing her nails, Ruby and Pyrrha are listening politely, and Jaune is messing with his food

Ren: Two of 'em.

Nora: *While Ruby and Pyrrha now look at a distant Jaune with concern* But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of selling Ursa skin rugs!

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