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The sun has risen, and apparently so has Steve. because around 5:30 am he pops in the door.

Steve" morning princess, your awake! I'm going for a run,but I'll be back in 30 minutes. Just thought I'd let you know.. Bucky is probably knocked out on the couch, but still if you need anything he's right down the hall."

You nod and he gives you a smile, then steps out of the room.

10 minutes later Bucky knocks. 

Bucky" hey sweetheart. We're you able to get some sleep.

You give a single shake of your head, and he walks further into the room and sits on the ground.

Bucky" how is your back?"

You nod.

Bucky" I think Bruce wants to have a look later if that's alright with you."

You nod. it wasn't really OK with you but fuck if you were gonna tell him that.

You sit in silence for a second. Then against your better judgement you take the notepad off the floor and start writing.


Bucky reads it, and his eyebrows scrunch.

Bucky" why what, doll?"

Why do you help.

you keep your sentences short and simplistic. mainly because its faster but also because its easier

Bucky smiles sadly.

Bucky" because Im pretty sure we went through alot of the same things. And I know what it's like to have to figure out who you are again. I know how scary it is. And I never want anyone else to feel a fraction of how scared I was. and a big part of it is because i thought i was alone. and when i realized i wasn't alone, i wasn't as scared."

he doesn't realize that your scared for a reason. but beneath all the fear is rage, confusion, pain, and 20 other emotions that you were taught were wrong or a weakness. and the fact that you are feeling them was worse. 

he slowly stands and walks to the door then turns back to you. 

bucky" if you feel up to it i know some people who are really looking forward to meeting you if your willing?"

you hesitantly nod and he gives you a small smile, 

bucky" alright.. ill be by to check on you later."

he steps out and closes the door behind him still leaving it open a crack. 

and again leaves your mind wreeling. 

an hour later Steve had arrived back right on schedule and went into his room for a few minutes then came back out, came into your room for a minute, then went and sat with bucky. unexpectedly you hear the elevator ding, then footsteps. 

you recognize bucky and steves, but not the third or fourth set of steps. one is light, and calculated, so female. the other is also light, but too heavy to be female. 

as they walks twords your room you curl in on yourself and cover as much skin as possible. 

buckys head pops in, and he has a soft smile on his face.

bucky" hey doll, i have those friends who want to meet you.."

he walks into the room and stands by the far wall and steve walks in after him and stands a little closer to you then normal.

steve" hey sweetie."

behind Steve a man and a woman walk in. the woman has medium length brown hair, that's pulled up halfway and shes wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater. the man has silver hair kind of like your own, only yours is pure white but his is more grey, and he has a pair of running shorts on with a grey hoodie.

Trifecta   (stucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now