Chapter one: your nightmare neighbor

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It was 3am, you were working on your book report that was due 3 hours ago. It had been a long day with work and your band and the day for you honestly ended at 12 so you asked your teacher for a extension even though it would cost you 5 points..which was okay with you, it wouldn't effect you too much..i mean you are and Aplus girl! You're school was doing online for the rest of the year because of covid, like every other school, so even if you were in school it didn't worry you too much. The bright light from your computer was causing your eyes to water and burn, you whipped a tear away and continued typing your paper.

An hour has passed and you're still at your paper..fixing the mistakes and proof reading the paper before submitting it. "Okay, well finally. i can get some sleep...just one *click* and DONE!" you submit your paper and hastily turn your laptop off and place it on your side table. You slowly doze off your body engulfed by your fluffy white sheets..

The sun peeks through your curtains,slightly open, and hits you in your face. You open your eyes to greet the mid morning sun. No matter how late you sleep you always manage to wake up around 9am. The smell of coffee and bacon fill the air of your house, you find your mom and dad sitting in the kitchen looking at the morning new..Fox of course. "I don't see why we have to wear masks it's so damn aggravating! i can't breath fo sh- good morning darling!" your father smiles at you and hands you a cup of coffee and a plate of bacon.
"Morning" you sit at the table next to your father. "mom?? hello good morning" she ignores you yet again, "wow so i can't even get a good morning from my own mother." you take a sip of your coffee and and eat your bacon. You turn on your phone and decide to do a little twitter scrolling like you do every day. Every time you do something always annoys you either from the president himself or the stupid little cult followers of his. This lovely morning something else catches your eye " that Ro-?" it was an ad for this band that your neighbor started back in middle school "oh wow they have a gig!"

" What's thag hunny?" you show your dad your phone, "Oh hey it's that Rodrick kid! what'd he do now?" your father asks cocking a brow.

father asks cocking a brow.
"Nothing bad! his band just has a gig...we're still waiting for ours."
"oh yay i knew that would happen, they're not my kinda music, but those are some talented kids." he looks back over at the tv and chuckles at the protesters on screen.
" a funny bunch huh.."

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