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"My heart is slowly falling apart, piece by piece."


Everyday, I start to regret what I did even more. Missing you sucks, and hurts me so bad. There are days where I completely lose my mind, and there are days where I'm just quiet.

I say this everyday to myself, "I'm stupid" "I screwed up so bad" because it's true. If I tried getting back with you, will you even accept it? Would you just smack me and walk off? Will you say you hate me?

I'm sitting on my bed, looking at your contact, debating if I should call you or not. I shook my head, and went on snapchat. I took of the picture of my floor, and the picture came out really blurry.

My heart is slowly falling apart, piece by piece.

And you're the only person that can fix it.


So freaking sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm in high school which means more homework, wanting to go to sleep more often, more cute guys, parties, the usual. Just been so busy!! And I'm starting sports soon, but I'll try to update whenever I have the time :))

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