Chapter Three

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Kai hated heights. He didn't have some stupid backstory with them, no. He just didn't like them.

(Anything in bold is Japanese)

So here he was, middle seat of an airplane, nervously chewing gum. 

"Sukokaishi-Kun, do you want a cookie?"

"No thanks, Saito-san," Kai said, smiling at the girl, before going back to clicking at his computer. "Your guide does speak Japanese, right?" Saito asked, leaning back in her window seat. 

"Hai," (1)

"Good. Oh well, we land in 30 minutes, last goodbyes...?" "Yeah!" Kai said, double-checking that he had his freinds phone number in his phone. 

"Whats my contact?" Saito asked, leaning over her seat, to see the name, Saito-Sann ☆ placed onto the contact bar. "Just that, how about mine?

Kai smiled seeing that his contact was Suko-bear. 

And with that, the plane landed on time, and the friends parted ways, both looking for their respective cars and buses. 

Yuma sat in the front seat of his car, the one Helleni called her own, waiting for the new student. Helleni sighed frm the backseat, clicking at her phone. "How much longer? Panya is probably getting hungry."

"Your rat will be fine, Yorokobi is with my parents for the weekend, and Sofuto is practically harmless."

"Don't say 'your rat', I can barely say your cats name anyway! But you are right, your chinchilla is pretty harmless, but shes so fluffy! Does she even have a body?" Helleni asked, acting like a five year old. 

"Yeah, oh, here he comes now. Oh and by the way, I could insult you and you would never know." Yuma smirked when she started throwing a mini fit. 

"Hey!" Yuma said, groggily getting out of the car. "Need help with all of that?

"Please!" Kai bowed, though it was hard with the bags. Yuma bowed as well, quickly getting up and grabbing a couple bags. 

"Ugh, look at those foreigners." Someone said at the exit, frowning at Yuma and Kai. Yuma walked over to them strait faced. "Ugh look at this brat. Im bilingual Gaki" Yuma shot back. The girl looked at him in horror. 

"Oh look at that, he's a freak too!"

"Great, I was trying to be you. You probably go to some cheap college, I go to the best in the country idiot, and I got in on scholarship, don't screw with me." Yuma said, and Helleni watched from the car, knowing that Yuma could insult someone to a large extent. 

"Ehh? You go to that college east from here? No way they would let in your tired self," 

"But they did me, and not your 'pretty' self. Just accept it, your money is Daddy's money, and even that couldn't get you to my level, step up, damn." Yuma said, knowing Helleni was recording. 

"Come on Ellena, we need to go-" 

"Go back to where you came from, you sick brat!" Hellenis eyes widened in shock, knowing that what the girl had yelled, would be the last she spoke to him. 

"That's it, your a sick, racist, beggar and spoiled brat, I could compare you to the street rats that crawl in New York. You, can rot in hell. I have an brat detector," Yuma said, towering over the girl, holding up his middle finger. "Your coming in loud and clear, go rot off to your parents, they won't disagree with me, not with my heritage." The girl gulped and ran off. 

"Wait... isn't that the son of Joanna Ashdeio?! He's got her spirit, and they stand up for the same things too!" Yuma sulked back off to the car, making sure everyone was strapped in, before hitting the road. 

"So, Yuma, what did happen with you and your mother?" Helleni asked, pocketing her phone. 

"She... she wants me to get a hit album out before she'll start lending me money, shes big with her music, you know that. She's glad I got into a great college, and we still talk and everything, but we just don't see each other much anymore."

"So your the son of one of the greatest modern music players?" Kai asked, using his appearance to guess. 

"I'm guessing that you assumed based on my appearance, correct?" Yuma asked, looking at him through the rearview mirror. 

"Yeah, sorry, Ashdeio-Kun." Yuma nodded, slowly pressing the breaks. 

"Yuma, I'm going to have to stay at your place again, Mia's having her friends over."

"That's fine, I need to set up Kai's room, don't eat all of the chips again."

"No promises, shortie." Helleni grinned, winking at him through the mirror. 


(1) Hai - The Japanese word for 'Yes'

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