Prologue and Preface

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Welcome to the story! In my first draft, I had just been getting into romance and such, not all the cheesy ones, no. My style was slow-burn romance, basically the characters slowly growing on each other and then within themselves. My first draft started when I was ten, and I only started posting on Wattpad when I was eleven, this story starting just before my twelfth birthday. The characters were designed off of your average teenagers, Yuma being a character in my imagination for years. I had always liked the idea of an average character with no real interesting talents except music, a self-conscious character, like a lot of people. I've always liked music and a character that could bring joy to others that couldn't do so for themselves seemed like a pretty rare occurrence until I decided to do some 'research'. I soon discovered that some people really did do that kind of thing, and it hurt. A lot. It really hit my nerves when all that people really talked about was just how different they were from everyone else because they had everything they didn't. 

Some people even go as far as to say, 'stop being selfish and hate yourself', and that one phrase was just enough to push me over the edge. People don't realise how much that doesn't help, and how people who hate themselves really hate themselves, and that's all they need to end it all. Please, for your sake, for others, keep yourself safe. Thank you for reading this long preface, and I hope you have a great day. 



(All bold is Japanese)


Nothing, that's all we were. Yuma Ashdeio and Helleni Marriko. The nothing duo, the worthless wonders. 

Yuma was just 'that rich gay boy', he was 'spoilt' and that's all. But he wasn't. He was that corner kid, the aberrant, as his brother called him. His famous, pretty boy brother. Helleni was his escape, who came in when he screamed at himself in the mirror in the bathroom, the girl that covered him during his hard times, the one who flipped off teachers when they called him a terrible student, the one who kept him relived of bullies. She was not one to mess with. She was Yumas inspiration for his first song. 

I was the background character, the aberrant, the worthless worthwhile.

I sold my ground to the higher,

She bought it back,

My first nobody on my track to nothing.

My unclear path was placed with fog,

Windy days, though the rain, the fog

Yuma loved his first song, though it was made with little to no help, it was a first hit. Not top ten, but good enough that he made it on the top 1000 charts, in place 678 for the past people, songs about people who stood up, found a support beam in music and the people that lent them that hand. But it wasn't enough for his mother, the famous musician. New top tens every other month, concerts and the families main source of income. 

He was kicked out. 

He didn't know how he got into the best college of the century, but he really was proud of himself. 

He was never able to sleep.

Nightmares, insomia, no pill worked, and he was not proud of the way he treated his only friend. He became malnourished, going days without food, busy recording and doing homework. His skin went slowly from light peach, to deathly pale. 

Soon enough, he passed out in the middle of class, rushed to a hospital, his family not once helping with his hospital bill. His professor offered to help, and after a lot of declining, Yuma gave in, immediately guilty. He promised he would pay him back, and even after his professor said he didn't have to, he did, working two jobs at a time. A night shift barista job and a radio show he ran himself, where he played his only five songs on repeat and answered questions that came from his usually fifty to one hundred listeners.   

 Because some day I'm gonna reach the top- no matter what

My dreams were nothing, but that was all

Because you see-

Life's like a tree~ it's always growing, it never stops, 

Winter was my hardest, 

But life kept going

Don't cut your tree short,

Keep it tall 

Yuma kept releasing well known songs, but none of them really met his goal, well, not that it was even his anymore. But he had a dream to finish- he didn't plan on cutting it short. Just like the one kid that was almost 7,000 miles away. 

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