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"Look I think you have the wrong person." I say trying not to tear up.

"No I'm not mistaken. You were born here on February 15, 1997. Your full name is Cloudi Maria Donner. Your original hair color is Ash brown and you were 6 lbs. 4 oz. when you were born." The woman says naming everything correctly.

I still didn't believe it so I asked them something only my parents would've known. "When I was born something was wrong with me what was it."

"Your left ankle and wrist were almost broken and you didn't open your eyes for 14 mins." The man said.

"Wait I thought your name was Cloudi Valentine? Where does Donner come from." Matt asked. I forgot he was there.

"Well my last foster parents last name was Valentine and I liked how it sounded so they let me use it." I say still looking at the couple.

"Look I'm supposed to be on a date right now. So let's meet up tomorrow after the meet and greet at 6 at this address." The address was a cafe down the road from the hotel.

We said our good byes and me and matt drove towards the hotel.

"So did you have a good time tonight?" Matt asked.

"Before the whole parent thing I did." I say truthfully. "But why don't we forget it and go swimming when we get back to the hotel." He agreed and we were silent on the way back.

Once we got back to the hotel we each went to our rooms to get ready to go swimming. My bathing suit was a floral bikini (above). I threw it on and met Matt down at the pool.

"Whoa you look..." Matt says but doesn't finish.
"Thanks?" I giggle.
I dive into the pool and swim over to matt. Right before I get to him we hear yelling.
"Did you invite the guys?" I ask Matt.
"No but they are unpredictable." He chuckles.

"Well hello there." Shawn smirks when he sees us.
"Hi shawn." I say awkwardly. The next thing I know the guys are diving and jumping into the pool.

"Come on guys. We are on a date here. We would like some privacy." Matt says hinting at him wanting them to leave.

"Then leave." Nash says while splashing cam.

"Fine." I hop on matt's back and he gives me a piggy back ride back upstairs to our rooms.

" hey maybe we should just put on some PJs and watch a movie." I suggest. Matt nods meaning yes and I go to change.
Once I am changed he comes back to my room and we settle on watching The Lion King. My favorite childhood movie.
About 20 mins into the movie matt falls asleep so I take the movie out and put it away. I crawl back into bed with him and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Hey guys. So I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately I've just been really busy but I hope you like this part. In the next part her parents will be more involved. Bye.
- Abbie xoxo

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